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Quality in VET-schools - The Vocational Educational Quality and Self-Evaluation Project

To support strategic planning and management of vocational training institutions, programmes and systems, the Quality in VET-schools project will introduce and test a common framework of new self-evaluation tools based on a combination of Balanced Score Card and European Quality Prize Criteria approaches. The project will further operate an on-line discussion and learning forum throughout.Quality in VET-schools will develop the following instruments: a set of self-evaluation indicators covering process, soft and hard outcomes in relation to customers, personnel, external relations and goal-related quality and cost; an accreditation model to facilitate inter-school comparison of student results in subject areas related to restaurant and catering services and an Internet-based learning forum for the exchange of good practice and for the hosting of related debates.The project website will carry information on project progress as well hosting support documentation. Project partners will run seminars, publish articles and circulate specific project brochures/leaflets to raise awareness of project activity. End products will be made available on the Internet in both EN & FI.

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