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QUALIGUIDE - Qualification Guidance and Build up Skills for Staff
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Association Culture & Work (ACW) is a non-profit association for research, consulting and education at the interface of culture, creative industries and education focused mainly on interdisciplinary projects and partnerships. ACW is specialised in managing and coordinating scientific cooperation and educational projects. For the future orientation of our organisation the following topics are being considered as most relevant for our staff qualification: • Increased capacity to act at EU and at international level • Improve technical skills and broader understanding of practices, policies and systems in the field of adult education at the European level • Improved quality of working with adult learners and disadvantaged groups like migrants • Innovative and improved care of the target groups • Deeper understanding of social, linguistic and cultural diversity • Increased ability to deal with the needs of people with special needs • Increased understanding of the special circumstances of education in rural areas. As a consequence, we developed the „ACW Qualification and European Development Plan“ that foresees education and training measures for its management personnel and staff in the following fields: • Quality assurance and quality control, with particular emphasis on working with disadvantaged learners and in social services • Increase of competences of disadvantaged adult learners • Working with older learners • Working with learners from rural areas • Change making education: Recognition of self-power to face the risk-society • Aspects of non-formal education: basic skills, creative and artistic activities • Improvement of language competencies • Intercultural learning • Migrants’ learning Overall, our staff participated in 18 qualifications, which targeted the above identified areas. The learners comprised different educational backgrounds, functions in the institution and professional experiences. They were chosen according to their qualification needs, which were identified in a cooperative way. The QUALIGUIDE project strengthened the position of ACW at various levels: • The scope of adult education courses and seminars was already widened during the project duration, especially by more competences in non-formal education and competences in working with disadvantaged and elderly persons; • ACW opened a new line of educational and counselling services that focus e.g. on intercultural issues (with migrants) and demographic issues (with elderly persons); • ACW developed a European profile and became much stronger to serve in practice European cooperation: more staff is now able to participate in European projects due to European project management experiences and improved language practice; • ACW developed together with two other European institutions transnational training courses • ACW submitted proposals for Strategic Partnerships in the ERASMUS+ 2016 call and was successful for two projects, which are opportunities to work with European partners in a deepened way. Overall, QUALIGUIDE opened ACW a European market for educational services and helped to establish ACW as a serious, reliable and knowledgeable partner. We expect long-term benefit of our staffs' training and clearly recognize, that the trainings were also linked with more professional satisfaction in general, better acceptance in the team for our entrants and encouragement for our experienced staff to develop new working areas.

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