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Qualifizierung und Professionalisierung der Begleitung von Asylbewerbern, Einwanderern und Kriegsflüchtlingen
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "QualiProAIR Escort" aims to develop and test a new qualification "escort of asylum seekers, immigrants and refugees". It is implemented together with 6 partners from 5 EU-countries (Germany, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Bulgaria) and adresses the strongly increasing area of immigration, which has established in the nearest past and will bother strongly Europe in the upcoming years. On the background of the necessity of unification on a european level for a solidaric solution concerning distribution and handling of the immigrants and the necessity of a uniform and comparable treatment of the Europe arriving people, all over Europe, especially on the "balcan-course"(from Greece to Germany and Scandinavia) arise projects, initiatives and social institutions, which deal with the migrants, try to help them to integrate even into the labour-market. These project and initiatives are mostly done by social institutions or enterprises and voluntarily organised associations. People doing the necessary work, do it on basis of social jobs or social apprenticeship or they do it on voluntary basis without any specific training. Here arises a big potential of employment in the social sector, that misses a specific vocational training or apprenticeship. The project "QualiProAIR Escort" adresses this. It creates by developing of a needbased qualificationprofile on a European level a standardised orientation for this field of employment and provides for the aim of the Agenda 2020 to create more and better jobs. The requirements of competencies and skills, which are identified and defined by the profile, lead to a qualification, that enables the employees also to enter other areas of social services.Concerning the target group of young adults with obstacles transitory periods can be used to gain a specific qualification, which makes it easier to enter a apprenticeship in social jobs. It is similar for the target groups of qualified longterm unemployed and by unemployment threatened employees, who can create for themselves a new perspective by getting a modulized qualification in the field of "immigration". The qualification gives to the volunteers and the already in the field of "immigration" working people a higher professionality and their occupation a solid basis of training. The EU-wide comparability of the qualification through use of quality-standards increases on the one hand the transparancy of the qualification and the acquired competencies and skills and on the other hand it fosters the labour-market mobility in making the mutual approval easier. The preparation of the qualificationmodules to webbased teaching/learning fosters the flexibility of training and follows the EU demand of modernising the vocational education.In detail in the project "QualiProAIR Escort" firstly an analysis of needs is done, which identifies the necessity competencies and skills to escort asylum seekers, immigrants and refugees. These then will be transformed into goals of trainings and qualifications, so that the development of a qualification profile becomes possible. The result of the analysis will be basis for to be developed quality standards, which enables the europeanwide comparability and adaptability, as well as the development of 5 qualification modules. 3 modules will focus on entering the labourmarket of the immigrant (e.g. legal status, labour market issues, approval of qualifications) and 2 modules will handle social integration (e.g. intercultural training, treatment of women). These modules will be tested in testing-networks in the partner countries, after being adapted to the national specifics. The testing will be evaluated with an instrument of quality assurance. Aim is to implement the qualification sustainably in the vocational education system of the partner countries. Additional there will be developed and tested an assessment instrument for the identification of the competencies, to identifie the suitability of the targetgroup. To promote the political discussion of the necessity of the approval of the qualification there will be developed a guideline to implement and finance the qualification in the national VET systems both on national and EU-level.
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5 Partners Participants