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Qualifizierung im Fairen Handel

QualiFair improves further training opportunities for full-time and voluntary Fairtradeemployees in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. Parts of the Fairtrade sector inEurope are growing rapidly and it continues to be strongly supported by voluntaryworkers. Growth and professionalisation are increasing the demands on employees,which are involved in advising on and selling Fairtrade products and in training work.QualiFair will analyse, improve, adapt and make existing further training programmesuseable in the three partner countries. The Austrian further training concept is beingevaluated and adapted, and provides important input for the development of a coursefor specialist and management Fairtrade staff in Germany. The basic Fairtrade coursetested in Germany is being adapted and tested in the Czech Republic, thereby providingthe foundation for basic qualifications in the Czech Republic.QualiFair will prepare and test a course concept and accompanying manual forspecialist and management Fairtrade staff in Germany and Austria and a basicFairtrade course in the Czech Republic. The course concepts will be disseminatedthroughout Europe and recommended as models.

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