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Qualifizierung der Berufsausbildung im kaufmännischen Bereich durch volks- und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte des europäischen Binnenmarktes und Mobilitäten
Start date: Aug 29, 2016, End date: Aug 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT BACKGROUNDApprentices are supposed to develop flexibility in their working careers in order to cope with the changing requirements in the world of work also with regard to a united Europe.A high level of professional competence, i.e. professional, methodical, personal, social and intercultural skills is urgently required.Sponsoring companies look for highly-motivated and well-qualified staff. That is the reason why sponsoring companies and vocational colleges have to follow a specific vocational training which emphasises necessary professional qualifications and underlines decision -making and responsibility.Differentiated and flexible learning opportunities have to be provided in order to satisfy various skills and talents. A work placement abroad will have a considerable share in reaching these demands.PROJECT OBJECTIVESThe apprentices develop their professional flexibility to fulfill the changing tasks in the working world and in society. They promote the acquirement of decision-making and responsibility such as professional, social and intercultural competence as well as interpersonal relationships.Furthermore the apprentices are to increase their motivation and job satisfaction. Both partners of the dual vocational training and the German and French partners improve the quality of their training as much as their communication and cooperation skills and the relationship among each other.The vocational college BSZ1 in Leipzig increases its quality of learning, in particular the satisfaction of students and teachers, with regard to the advancement of the school program.NUMBER AND PROFILE OF APPRENTICESHIP OF THE PARTICIPANTS DURING THE PERIO OF THE PROJECT-24 trainees: management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade and management assistant for freight forwarding and logistics-50 trainees: industrial clerk-all trainees have a secondary school certificate or higher education entrance qualification (A-levels) or/and have work experience or attended university-8 teachers who teach subjects in the respective vocational classesDESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIESBased on the school cooperation trainees for management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade and trainees for management assistants for freight forwarding and logistics take part in a 3-week work placement in a French enterprise.Industrial clerk trainees do a 2-week work placement in connection with a market study for selected French products on the German market.The teachers visit partner schools and companies. They gain knowledge of the school system and of the organization as well as processes in French enterprises.REALIZATION OF THE PROJECTThe sponsoring companies and interested trainees get informed about the planned exchange. Common aims are agreed in an afterwards meeting.After the exchange the project will be evaluated and reflected. The trainers, the BSZ1 and the trainees deduce consequences for the future planning and realization of the project as well as for the further vocational training of the apprentices.All trainees have to carry out a market research survey for products of a French enterprise.The results will be presented in the English language by the participants and evaluated by an examination board. The best presentations will be awarded.EXPECTED RESULTS AND EFFECTSThe trainees get more independent in a foreign country and mature in their personalities. They deepen their professional knowledge of the global market and get an inside into the working life of another member state of the European Union. Moreover, they overcome their inhibitions when negotiating in another country and in a foreign language.All participating partners can expect an increase in the quality of the vocational training both regarding to its processes and its results.Furthermore all participants improve their communication skills as well as their relationships among each other.
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4 Partners Participants