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Qualification, ICT and environmental culture in the construction sector
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

The real-estate boom occurred in the last years favored a large growth of the sector fostering the admission of non- and low-qualified workers in the construction companies. After the real-estate boom, the crisis and the recession process fostered the sector remained one of the most affected, generating higher and higher unemployment rates. At present, the situation still remains highly difficult since most workers are not qualified. In addition, the last reports from the EC stress a lack of qualified workers for the future market needs, especially regarding green skills, thus being the building sector one of the priority sectors where high qualification staff will be required within the next years.The main objective of e-SKILL is to support low- and non-qualified workers (mainly) of the construction sector to improve their skills and to get a formal recognition Europe-wide, aligned with the new strategy of New skills for new jobs launched by the EC, and specially devoted to environmental skills. As a secondary aim, e-skill will foster the use of ICT resources as training method. The tangible results from e-SKILL will be: • A training programme and toolbox consisting of easy-to-use, innovative, ICT-based training materials;• A new training methodology ICT-based;• The e-SKILL website• The e-SKILL DiplomaIntangible results will refer to personal development of the participating workers in the short-term, but also the increase of qualified workers and environmental skilled workers employed in the sector as medium/long term result.

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  •   397 128,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants