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Qualificação Profissional e Escolar - um caminho para a integração no mercado de trabalho Europeu
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the mobility project, as in the preparation stage as in the mobility and evaluation, the schools which integrate the consortium will be involved and the five international organizations and other partners (companies) will be the link and support agents to the project in the destination countries. The aims of this project are to achieve and develop the following objectives: • Promote the employment of young people in Europe, particularly recent vocational school, thus fulfilling one of the objectives defined by the European Commission and this project itself; • Facilitate the professional integration of young people and helping them enhance their work experience and progress in their future career; • Facilitate and promote the use of efficient work methods (at the organizational level) using the resources and tools in both the school context and in Portuguese companies where the beneficiaries may be hired as a specialized technician; • Contact with the business reality of other EU countries; • Understand job performance in other socio-economic contexts; • Develop skills that promote professional projects and job creation; • Provide the development of vocational skills relevant to the labor market; • Contact and experience a different socio-cultural reality in a European learning environment; • Recognize and acquire new language skills as well as acquire and use knowledge, skills and qualifications to promote personal development, employability in the European labor market and mobility. The partners are based in England, Germany, Spain, Italy and France, countries that will host the young participants in the internship program. This project aims to accomplish various forms of training. One is addressed to the students who are attending a professional course during the two years of implementation of the project. Another one is addressed to young people who have finished their courses and can’t get a job. The last one is addressed to teachers and other technicians. With 12 month internships, our focus is to create new opportunities for our secondary level graduate students, thus facilitating their integration into the labour market as well as minimizing the effects caused by youth unemployment. This has been a serious social problem not only in Portugal, but also in the European Union. With the implementation of this project, it is intended that each beneficiary is given a project theme related to his/her area of training and accompanied by experts from the host company. With the implementation of these internships as well as the individual project, we are providing the students with two challenging experiences that are an essential part of the school curriculum. I would like to highlight the fact that the beneficiaries of this project live and study in a disadvantaged, rural region in the interior of Portugal with an infrastructure and development deficit. The internships will be held in companies which are connected to the partner organizations; there are expected different flows in different stages during the two years of implementation of the project. 148 young people will participate in this internship project; they will be distributed by courses that cover the following areas: computer science; electricity and energy; administration and management; chemistry; tourism and hospitality; health and sports. Before the mobility takes place, an educational plan will be implemented which will include the different types of jobs carried out. Then they will be presented to the school community in scheduled sessions. This project will provide many short and long-term benefits that will be advantageous to the young beneficiaries’ level of training and qualifications. This experience will provide them with more opportunities and enhance their regional employability. In regards to our school, this project will help us improve our organization skills and work methods. It will also help us integrate models and processes in our practices, thus promoting quality and good results. The region will benefit from the qualifications of human resources and its experience in these projects. As a result, the adoption and influence of organizational models, work methods, processes and tools that companies and organizations use, will improve its level of competitiveness. The students and graduates are mostly from the region of Pinhal Interior Norte. The beneficiaries of this project are young people aged between 16 and 21 years old. There are also 23 teachers, technicians and managers of the entities that comprise the Consortium who are going to participate in this project.
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5 Partners Participants