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According to data from the DG Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities Communication Unit, People with Disabilities (PwD) represent at least 16% of the EU working age population. More specifically, only 40% of disabled people are employed, whereas this rate is 64.2% for the non-disabled.Within this context, if we want to achieve the employment targets established in the revised Lisbon Agenda, it is necessary to better integrate disadvantaged groups into the labour market.Taking these arguments as a basis, “PwD Employ – Personal Learning Environment for the Efficient Recruitment of People with Disabilities” project aims at providing HR managers, recruitment companies and trainers specialised in HR management issues with a useful e-learning course which will help them in the efficient recruitment of PwD.PwD Employ Project is based on previously approved IMMI-TRAIN Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project which aimed at promoting the efficient recruitment of immigrant workers.Thus, PwD Employ will take advantage of the underlying idea of IMMI-TRAIN of providing HR managers, recruitment companies and trainers specialised in HR management issues with useful information and data in order to promote the recruitment of disadvantaged groups (immigrants in the case of IMMI-TRAIN and PwD in the case of PwD Employ).This way, PwD Employ Project partners will follow the same working methodology used in IMMI-TRAIN in order to elaborate a training tool for the management of HR specially focused on PwD and adapted to a more innovative learning environment as it is the Personal Learning Environment (PLE).The PLE is a new approach to using technologies with learning purposes which comes along with the Web 2.0 concept and it is characterised by promoting social networks and communities, highlighting the importance of creating instead of consuming, as well as the decentralisation of the content and control.Hence, within the framework of PwD Employ Project we will provide HR managers, recruitment companies and trainers specialised in HR management issues with a PLE e-learning course on the efficient recruitment of PwD. As a result, the members of the target group will have access to different learning materials (contents, assessment, libraries, audio and video files, news, etc…) at the same time they interact with different institutional systems and they participate in the elaboration of the contents and knowledge.
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4 Partners Participants