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Przerobić z ochotą słomę w złoto, czyli jak wykształcić twórczego i przedsiębiorczego ucznia, który w przyszłości znajdzie pracę nie tylko w Polsce?
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project titled ‘To change with the willingness straw in gold, so how to educate a creative and an enterprising student who would be able to find a job not only in Poland?’ was made for a better future of our students. We strongly believe that the future belongs to our children. That is why our main task is to help them to be a witting and an enterprising citizen of Europe who can not only communicate with the others in foreign language, but also would be able to find a job which could give them satisfaction and an honorable salary. The main target of our Project is to get to know how the process, methodology and practical work of career counseling work out in European countries. We want to get practical experience in the subject. Our goal is also to know what the role of different organizations in the issue is. What is more, we would like to get specific information about how ethnic minority is related to the labor market and in what way education can be tailor to its needs. The next aim is to get to know new methods and forms of education to make the process of teaching more attractive to our students. We also want to improve our management and language competences. Our intention is to enhance Information and Communication Technologies, too. We are convinced the competences and skills will develop the European dimension of our school. In the Project 9 members take part. They are: a headmaster and a deputy director of our school as well as 7 teachers of: art, history, mathematics, early school education, English and two of physical education. Six of them (including the headmaster who teaches physics and the deputy director who teaches Polish) are chartered teachers; one is an appointed teacher. The members of the project are full of invention and very motivated teachers. They are also enthusiastic about their work and their students’ lives. They want not only to get new experience in teaching, but also to get involve the pupils into the process of education. To put our aims into effect, we are going to take part in a career counseling training in our country. We are also going to participate in an English training. We will get to know necessary information about history and culture of our partner’s country. We will also gain practical help and reassurance from our partner to organize all planned activities. We are going to visit our partner’s school 5 times: the first – to prepare and get help in our plans, the next four – to get essential knowledge in career counseling and teaching from our partner and others organizations related to the subject. We also are going to share our experience and skills with other teachers and groups involved in the project to popularize its effects. The most important outcome is to improve our skills and competence in career counseling with particular regard to the relevance for the labour market, foreign language, ICT competences and new teaching methods and tools. We also want to achieve flexibility in educational process and openness for different sources of knowledge. As a result of the abilities our students will be educated in a professional way using qualified methods. Moreover, The Career Counseling Team will be created in our school. We are going to introduce new classes, too. We are going to start cooperation with high schools and institutions related to career counseling (including local workplaces) as well. Our aim is to organize annual Job Fairs in our school, too. In addition, teachers are going to start teamwork with other educators from all over the world to increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of our school. We strongly believe the Project will positively affect our school, teachers, students, their parents and other institutions. After all, as the maxim used in the title says, a good job is not a work a chance. What is more, the appropriate preparing for it is more than half the battle.

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