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Przedsiębiorczość - pomysł młodych na życie.
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project „Entrepreneurship as youth’s idea for living” coordinated by Regionalne Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne S.A. was created in the cooperation with the German Partner – county Rotenburg (Wümme). The main objective of this project was to increase the level of social and occupational competencies of a group of 20 young people through a Polish – German youth exchange. This project has stimulated entrepreneurship and creative thinking, has developed the habit of conscious career planning, has improved social skills and language competencies, has raised self-esteem, motivation, belief in success, has developed interests, exchange of "best practices" and the promotion of European values. The project was addressed to the Polish and German young people aged 16 - 20 years old, who were interested in the subject of entrepreneurship as well as in establishing of international contacts and exchange of views and experiences. The project was participated by 24 people, i.e. 10 young people from both partner countries and 4 leaders. The main action of this project was a youth exchange which involved 5-day visit of the German group in Poland and the organization of common activities with Polish young people. The leading subjects were entrepreneurship, personal and professional development. All preparatory activities had lasted for 3 months before the planned visit. The detailed schedule, as well as workshops scenarios, games and exercises had been prepared during the regular meetings of the group. Both Partners communicated by telephone or via e-mail. The leaders of each group and the coordinator of the project were responsible for the efficient communication and preparation. There had been series of activities planned for the visit of the German youth in Dzierzgoń, both raising the knowledge and skills of participants and strengthen the integration of young people. The project team had planned workshops on entrepreneurship and marketing basics, debate, tests, simulation games, documentaries, situation comedies. Part of planned activities was conducted in the form of outdoor open air - fun and games integration, activation exercises and animations theater. The project participants had a possibility to learn history of our region. Almost all ideas of planned activities had come from the young project participants that's why the project has met its needs and expectations. The project responded to the problem of unemployment especially among young people. The young people who enter the European labor market have won the necessary competencies which will help them to find a job or starting an own business. The project participants obtained new knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. They gained experience arising from participation in an international exchange program and had a chance to improve their language skills. Additional results are new international contacts and increased level of motivation towards self-development. The cooperation between the Applicant and his Partner has been consolidated. Both parties shared best practices and increased their prestige through effective implementation of the international project. All this is leading to implement of similar projects in the future. The positive impact of the project is visible not only at the participants and organizations level, but also has influence on other entities (companies) and institutions working in the areas of the project (labor market institutions, schools), the local community, to other youth organizations or informal groups of young people. Not without significance is the impact of the project on the Polish community on local and regional level. Due to the threat of socio-economic and geographical marginalization, people here need extra motivation, success stories and tips on how and where they can get support to increase their social and professional chances. There was a booklet published, as an additional result of the project, which shortly describes the undertaken actions during the youth exchange. The brochure is available in hard copy and PDF placed on the website of the host organization.
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1 Partners Participants