European Projects
Przeciwko Stereotypom Razem dla Europy
Przeciwko Stereotypom Razem dla Europy
Start date: Jun 17, 2014,
End date: Feb 20, 2015
Project Title: Against Stereotypes Together for Europe (ASTE)
Context of the project: Multiculturalism, The development of international co-operation in Europe, The indication of new opportunities
Aims of the project:
- Utilizing non-formal education for breaking down intercultural and interreligious barriers and stereotypes;
- Intensify dialogue and cooperation between the four nations;
- Exhibition for young people, what are the opportunities and benefits of cooperation between Polish, Russians, Romanians, Ukrainians and the European Union;
- Increased sensitivity to other cultures and religions;
- The promotion of language learning as a way of deepening relations on the European continent.
- EFRREG (Poland) - non-governmental organization;
- Young Initiative Association (Romania) - non-governmental organization;
- EU-Russia Youth Mobility (Russian Federation)
- Educational Initiatives Centre (Ukraine)
Number of participants: 80 young people from Poland, Russia, Romania and Ukraine aged 18-25 years, and group leaders - total: 88 people.
Description of activities:
The project "Against Stereotypes Together for Europe" involves the development of cooperation between the four historically linked countries and societies, who's direction are also interspersed today, unable to overcome the enormous baggage of negative experiences - Polish, Russian, Romanian and Ukrainian. The whole project will be implemented in two complementary actions:
I Action - Common Cultural Heritage of Europe and Intercultural Dialogue of Central and Eastern Europe Countries
II Action - Interreligious Dialogue - Catholicism - Greek Catholicism - Orthodoxy and Cooperation for National Minorities
Youth exchange project in Poland and hosting young people from Russia, Romania, Ukraine have to show them the positive aspects of the relations between all four societies, affect the growth of their awareness and understanding of Polish, Russian, Romanian and Ukrainian cultures, which should be close, but still remain far away from each other because of disputes over the years. The theme will be the positive aspects of common history, cultures and religions belonging to the circle of Christianity (Catholicism, Greek Catholicism, Orthodoxy), and objective look at them. It will cover the topics of common identity countries of Central and Eastern Europe, where all four nations have to exist. Project will emphasize common values and opportunities that entails coexistence and international cooperation, including a huge role in the integration of the European Union, which can bring mutual benefits. Young people who take part in the exchange will be able to confront their current ideas about Polish, mutual contacts between four nations and the European Union with actually existing reality, what will allow to overcome prejudices and stereotypes ingrained for years in the minds of nations and dismissing all states and society from one another as well as Russia and Ukraine with the European structures.
Youth will participate in meetings, seminars, workshops and also will explore the city and region by organized tours to the most important places connected with the Polish and European culture, as well as take part in organized cultural and integration events. All activities will be based primarily on non-formal education - students will be for himself while students and teachers.
Project implementation will be the base for building social networks of young people, as well as to make further action by positive oriented youth in the future and to take next initiatives for further approximation of the four nations. The project aims to encourage young people taking part in it to broaden their horizons, to learn more about Poland being "vestibule of Europe", followed by attempts to meet and recognize more countries, their cultures and languages, and thus build the incipience of really European identity.