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Proyecto Mobilidad para 13 alumnos en F.P. de los ciclos de Téc. en Curas Auxiliar de Enfermeria - At. a Personas en Situación de Dependencia, Aux. Administrativo , Animación Sociocultural y Turística y Conducción de Activid. Fisicodeportivas
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our students are studying professional initial IVTS in the field of health: nursing technical assistant. After two years in which we arranged 12 mobilities in French hospitals, we want to continue to offer the same possibility to 12 students more so that they can be inserted professionally in health centers of our neighbouring country. Our goals are that our students leave our Center with the direct possibility to work in France having taken French nursing techniques after their internship through the Erasmus programme. The specific location of our Center together with the opening of the first Spanish/French cross-border Hospital creates the need to train students at an European level. Students will be selected based on their academic records, the language level and personal maturity. The main foreseen activities are as follows: 1 Hospital of Les Escaldes, Angoustrine: there are 6 mobilities provided for the period 2014-2016 2 Lycée de Prades: 4 mobilities are provided for the period 2014-2016. Through this partner students may make their practices in Prades Hospital and in two residences in the village of El Soler near Perpignan. 3. Lycée Itec Boysfleury de Grenoble: are provided 2 mobilities for the period 2014-2016. Through this partner students undertake their formative stay in Grenoble Hospital. Locally, in the medium and long term a new site of employment is promoted in the French Cerdanya and the cross-border Hospital of Puigcerdà. At regional, national and European level it is an innovative project, will be the first cross-border Hospital of all participating organizations will be able exchange of techniques and knowledge employed in respective countries that will positively affect the users of the new cross-border Hospital.
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3 Partners Participants