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Proyecto de movilidad de personal para el desarrollo de una acción formativa, centrada en la formación en metodología CLIL, la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la docencia y concienciación con la cultura Irlandesa.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is part of the grant call for Erasmus + teachers mobility within the intra-European context. For this training, we've chosen Ireland due to the interest existing in our center for establishing relations with this EU country . Currently we have an Irish native teacher, which allowed us to broader our knowledge about Irish culture, however we would like to take this action to continue expanding our relations with this country. We also believe that the realization of this European project, fosters among both our students and staff, developing greater awareness of our membership to the European Union. For some years, we have been developing "Programa Irlanda". Through this program, several students have benefited from a quarterly exchange with an Irish school, promoting cultural exchange and language skills development on our students. The purpose of this project is, having identified a number of shortcomings on our staff training and knowledge in the areas of: Language skills in English language, new teaching methodologies, new technology applied to education and awareness of Irish culture and customs. We really belive that developing training initiatives within the european context, will improve the quality of the teaching skills on our teachers. For this reason, we have sought a partner in Ireland, the Irish School Bridge Mills Galway Language Center. The mobility action consists of two weeks of training action at our partner school facilities in Ireland. During the completion of this training, participants will be trained in the areas of: - Continuous teacher traning and development focused on English language skills. - Development of multiple intelligences and development of cultural and linguistic awareness within the european context. - Knowledge and application in the classroom teaching methodologies and othe tools applied to education. - Development of an interest in their own education and human growth . Regarding the participants of this action, we have thought of sending a total of 8 teachers between the two years of the project. These teachers shall be elected from among the interested candidates, after publication of the approval of this training project. To select the participants , we've developed the following criteria: + Skills and interest in the English language + Teaching experience in English. + Development and application of English in their teaching areas. + Interest in learning new teaching methodologies. + Awareness with Irish culture and interest in participating in this training project (covering letter) The 8 selected participants will attend the facilities of our project partner, The Bridge Mills Galway Language Center, to participate in an educational activity for two weeks in which, participants will receive teacher training in the following areas: language skills, new technologies and methodologies applied to language teaching, learning Irish customs and traditions. During this activity, participants will be supervised by our Irish partner, who will be responsible for monitoring attendance and use of the training. It is anticipated that this action takes place during the summers of 2015 and 2016. The school will ask the participants for a report to assess the achivements. After this mobility action in Ireland, participants will return to the center with new skills and knowledge gained out of this teacher training. On return, workshops are expected to facilitate the transfer of this knowledge to other teachers. From our center we encourage collaborative attitude so that the transmission of knowledge shall flow between our teachers in an active manner. We believe this is the way to make the impact of this action, as large as possible. Finally we believe that, the main beneficiaries of increasing education quality among our teachers, would be the hundreds of children and families participating in the daily life of this school. Thanks to these actions, we expect participants in the project to lead the rest of the academic community in the development of new capabilities that will boost the quality of teaching and in turn, help in creating greater European awareness in our community.

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