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Proyecto de Formación del I.E.S. "Claudio Moyano"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our High School is a public secondary education school in which we have 739 students to whom we try to provide a quality education with the media and staff we have, for which we have a workforce of 79 teachers and an acceptable facilities. We develop different programmes among which those most important are linked with the teaching of foreign languages as we are part of a school with a clear vocation in teaching languages: we impart four foreign languages: English, French, German and Portuguese. We also have two bilingual programmes, one of them of English (British Council) and the other one of French. For this reason it is very important the training of all our professorship in foreign languages, not only as a formal education, but with periods of linguistic inmersion. The elaboration of this project aims to complete the offer of a continuous training adapting it to the needs arising from the particularities of our center for what we intend to obtain funding to improve the professional qualification of our staff in six key areas: - Improvement in the professional skills in different subjects of each department (biology, music, physical education, mathematics, etc. - Improvement in the didactic and pedagogical skills for the delivery of materials, as well as the competencies proper to the guidance department. - Improvement in the efficiency when using ICT in the classroom, using the resources we already have and getting ahead we can get in the future. - Comparison of the curriculum we teach in different subjects with other countries of the European Union, specifically those of the countries with which we have agreements to develop two bilingual programs that we keep in the center. - Improvement of language skills of teachers in general, but especially for foreign language teachers and those who teach or will teach DNL in our two bilingual programmes. - Identification of contacts that allow us to locate other European partners to develop programmes specifically to implement a future observation periods of good practice. To develop the project we had a team that has spent a year conducting a study of training needs and instruments that allow us to cover these needs. The team is made under the direction of the centre, of nine teachers, a coordinator with experience in European programs and eight teachers from different departments with special representation of the departments of foreign languages and the guidance department. Although the initial intention was to apply for a project with a duration of two years, including in the former training and in the latter, observation periods of good practice, finally we could not develop this second part due to lack of contacts. In this project we have to circumscribe actions that we are sure to develop with our resources and that serve as a seed for future projects as: - A formative action linked to the bilingual French programme - A formative action linked to the bilingual English programme - Three formative actions linked to the Guidance Department Also we expect the experience gained by people involved in these actions can be transferred to other staff both from the centre and teachers from other schools. Also we expect the training acquired, properly evaluated both externally and internally, can be homologated and certified as a continuous teacher training. As soon as the project was granted and depending on the actions that we are granted, the final selection of those who will benefit from every action through a selective process objective will be made with reference to a scale in which the participation in the drafting team of the project, the specific profile of each action, stability in the center, past experience and future possibilities of diffusion are valued. Finished the project, we hope to achieve long-term improvement of outcomes that impact on all sectors of the educational community with beneficial effects as - On teachers who are beneficiaries of the action, increasing their training, their motivation and their professional experience - On students who will benefit from the improving skills of teachers - On other teachers who can receive experience through the involved departments or the training activities which are developed
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