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Proyectando nuestra Escuela Oficial de Idiomas hacia el futuro: metodología y tecnología, europeización e interculturalidad.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EOI Alcalá de Henares.Projecting our EOI (Official School of Languages) towards the future: methodology and technology, europeanization and interculture.Our EOI is a state centre devoted to language teaching and located in Alcalá de Henares, a city with 200,000 inhabitants. Alcalá is near Madrid and its activity revolves around services, tourism and industry. Our students are mainly adults and they have different backgrounds, interests and educational levels. They study one or more languages among the 5 we teach (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish for Foreigners). Our syllabus is divided in 6 levels, ranging from A1 to B2. However, next academic year the C1 level will be implemented for the first time, which means a great challenge for us to be a reference centre in our area and Madrid area, since we are one of the biggest EOIs in our region. This imminent change has made us consider other changes that are necessary for our school to provide a greater service to the community, to improve our quality and to adapt to the needs our students may have. In order to respond to these issues, we understand the importance of designing a strategic plan including a mobility project that can cater for the training and the guidelines needed to face those changes. This project aims to renovate and adapt our school to those new challenges that we face when forming students as European citizens from the 21st century. To obtain it we base our activity, mainly, on four areas:- Developing the idea of interculturalism through linguistic activities as well as those focused on socio-cultural grounds. This will allow a better approach to teaching the new level C in which, failing this perspective, the process of language learning is not complete.- Mastering new methodological approaches, especially those based on motivation, creativity and the development of social skills. Thus, our students will obtain better tools in the present world, both in their personal and professional lives.- Improving and upgrading technological resources, including personal devices and the new teaching options in blended-learning methodology. Through them, whenever legally possible, we will be able to adapt to the students’ needs making our teaching more flexible.- Projecting our school and our students to Europe The participants in this project are 8 teachers from the English and French Departments who are going to work on:- the theoretical aspects, by attending 7 specialized training courses in prestigious European centres for one or two weeks, between July and August 2016:- “Actualisation des connaissances en culture française” in Vichi, France.- “Stage de formation de Formateurs FLE” in Bordeaux, France.- “Contemporary English” in Cambrigde, UK.- “Innovative Approaches to Teaching” in Prague, Czech Republic.- “Blended Learning: Combining Online & F2F Teaching” in Cambridge, UK.- “PPMEEP Training Course: Preparation of Proposals and management of European Education Projects under Erasmus+” in Agros, Cyprus.- “Stretching the Imagination” in Berlin, Germany. - the practical aspects, by carrying out 2 jobshadowing visits at our European partners’ centres, which will allow us to observe how they function and work on those 4 areas- a one-week visit to Denmark (September 2016)- a one-week visit to Finland (October 2016) Once the training period is completed and the materials are compiled, we will disseminate and put its contents into practice, which will have a direct impact on the improvement of our teaching experience and in the adaptation to our students’ needs. Likewise, we will be able to make the most of the resources and technologies applied to the classroom. The acquired experience will be shared with the rest of the staff in the school, but also at a local and regional level, through our website and our corresponding CTIF (Local Innovation and Training Centre) and CRIF (Regional Innovation and Training Centre). In order to assess and verify the results of this project, we will carry out an evaluation of the courses, the jobshadowings, the materials compiled and the aims achieved. This will be done by using reports and surveys answered by community members and all those who have access to the materials of the experience.
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