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Start date: Feb 8, 2011, End date: Feb 7, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The proposed PROSODY EXPERIENCE ENHANCEMENT WITH MUSICAL EDUCATION (PRE-MUS) will bring Dr. Mualem, a professional musician and music teacher from Israel to Hull, for a postdoctoral fellowship in the cognitive psychology laboratory of Dr. Lavidor. This is an ambitious, multi-disciplinary project that has exceptional potential clinical and educational applications. The main objectives of PRE-MUS project are: 1. Characterize perceptual prosodic abilities, performance on various levels of perceptual auditory linguistic and non-linguistic related tasks, and examine the associations between them. 2. Characterize musical education (MUS) level and examine the interrelations between them and prosodic abilities. 3. Pilot intervention training in musical education and auditory skills to enhance emotional prosody comprehension. We view objective (3) as particularly important in developing methods of rehabilitation of prosody deficits found in Autism and Schizophrenia. The PRE-MUS will provide an exceptional environment for the advanced research training of the researcher (Dr. Mualem) in state-of-the-art theories and methods of cognitive psychology. The main training objective of PRE-MUS is to maximize the chances of Dr. Mualem to get an academic position in her homeland and the training program details how we aim to do so. The PRE-MUS will also provide positive role models for young female researchers in the community, as the two partners (Lavidor and Mualem) are both mothers who combine a career in Science with family life. Dr. Lavidor has already benefited from European funding under FP5, FP6 and FP7, including an ERC start-up award and a Marie Curie excellence award. Her extensive experience with EC schemes will guarantee the smooth running of the PRE-MUS project."
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