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Prosjekt til fordypning Vg 2 Helsefagarbeider Prosjekt til fordypning Vg 2 Barne- og ungdomsarbeider
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will take part amongs students in high school Vg 1 and Vg 2, vocational traing in health and child care. The main issue is to provide better motivation and reduce dropout. In addition, the personal growth is important. To carry aout these goals the students will practice in a kindergarten. They will, on different levels, take part in dayly acitivities among children, supervised by the staff. They will also get an opportunity to make various excursions to visit hospitals and social institutions. Wil will do some sightseeing in Tallinn and Narva to help them to learn the history of Estonia, and how the country functions today. They will also visit a college who trains f.ex. nursing and nannies. A visit to the Norwegian Embassy hopefully will give them more insight in Estonia as a country in the EU. The students will be choosen on behalf of an application and a a conversation about why they want to take part in this project. Our crieteria are wellknown, such as motivation, attidude, dropout, plan to be a trainee. When we have chosen the students they will do some preparations. We usually get an external person to tell the history of the kindergarten. The students also specialize in individual topics about Estonia and present this to the rest of the group. Tickets, appointments with the kindergarten and excursions are made by the teacher. The students have to make sure they have valid passports, Health insurance and an EU health certificate. After the stay they will prepare a presentation for the other students, the staff and collegues in other schools. They also will present the project to different primary schools and kindergartens in Norway

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