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Prosjekt til fordypning Vg 1 Barne- og ungdomsarbeiderProsjekt til fordypning Vg 2 Helsefagarbeider
Start date: Aug 15, 2016, End date: Aug 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has several years participated in Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus + programs as a part of our vocational training for students at upper secondary school, Vg 2 Child care and youth work and Vg 2 Health work. We use curriculum for these programs based on Vg 3 In-service training at a training establishment, curriculum in foreign language, English and part of the curriculum in humanities. Former projects has been very successful improving their skills both in practice and in theory. That is why we want to continue to give new students a possibility work and stay in Estonia for two weeks.There is a problem with dropouts from school in Norway. We all know that education is important to get a job and to build and keep a good self-confidence. That is why students with special needs, thinking about dropping out or struggle with motivation together with students who plan til continue as a trainee, has a priority. There is lack of employees with good knowledge in both kindergartens and hospital, mainly at geriatric ward. To help the students to understand Estonia and how they take care of children, people with special needs or elderly care, they will practice in kindergarten or a hospital. I addition to this they will participate in different excursions f.ex museums, historic sites, guiding, orphanage, large regional hospital, youth centre depending what is possible.During the stay they have to use English as a foreign language. This will help them to learn how important this language is. They will experience mastery when they use the language on daily base, and find that they are able to communicate and work even if they not are able to use Norwegian. In the same way they will improve skills like reflecting and personal growth. The students will stay in a country with rather short history as a free country, and a country who has been busy developing democracy and good living conditions for the inhabitants with good and useful help from the EU. They will also get some knowledge about what kind of skills they need to have to work in another country in Europe Estonia.It is important that the students after finishing the project experience that education is important. We try to let the students keep in mind that "learning by doing" is important. The need to use f.ex English for more than pass an exam, they need it to communicate every day. In this way we hope that this mobility will help the students to get motivated and fulfil their upper secondary school programme or continue as trainees. During the stay the students tells about their experiences through, by using the website of our school, blogg and Instagram. After they have returned they will tell about the project to other students in school and a primary school close to us. The teacher following them will tell about the possibilites such a projects give the students to collegues in our schools and in the region. All the way from preparation, through the mobility and rework after the stay abroad is important. We want to give the students lifelong learning. Our goal is that when they have to use english, or even has to use bodylanguage, bescause someone do not understand enything but estonian or russian, they experience that language is necessary to know. And they learn to know t what it is like for many refugees arriving Norway without understanding anything, either our language and culture. These are people they will meet in kindergartens and hospitals in Norway as well.
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