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Promotion of the European Recognition Tools
Start date: Feb 1, 2012,

• Project title: Promotion of the European Recognition Tools• Project description (including a short summary of project activities):The main aims of the project are following: - to bring together experts in the field of recognition, representatives of higher education institutions as well as experts in fields related to recognition (such as: quality assurance, qualification frameworks, Bologna experts, National Structure, students etc.) in order to learn about new developments in recognition and fields related to it, to share information, ideas and good practice.- to inform participants about the latest changes in the national regulations regarding recognition of foreign credentials in Poland as well as the latest developments in recognition in Europe; - to promote the use of the European recognition tools such as Diploma Supplement, ECTS, Qualification Frameworks and European Area for Recognition manual.Summary of projects activities:Two 1-day seminars will be organised in the years 2012-2013. First of the seminar will focus on providing information on the latest changes in the field of recognition, particularly new Polish regulations on recognition (in force since 1st October 2011) and on promotion of the use of the European recognition tools in the framework on the new regulations. Second seminar will be organised in a form of a peer learning activity. Higher education institutions will present and discuss their experiences with the use of various recognition tools.• Target groups : - representatives of higher education institutions involved in recognition of foreign credentials - representatives of ministries supervising different types of higher education institutions - representatives of other Polish recognition authorities• Impact: The seminars will provide participants with the knowledge on the national and international legal regulations as well as information on the latest developments in recognition, higher education and their impact on recognition and good practice in the recognition. It will raise awareness of the European recognition tools among 250 HEIs participants, thus contributing to the improvement of recognition in Poland. These will, in turn, support the actual creation of the European Higher Education Area, by promoting mobility of students and academic staff.
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