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Promotion of public awareness and protection of aapa mires in Lapland (Pelkosenniemi-Life)
Start date: Aug 1, 2006, End date: Oct 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Mires are one of the most important habitat types in terms of conservation of biodiversity in northern Europe. In Finland and Lapland, aapa mires represent the most diverse type of habitat occurring on peat lands. In addition to the broad diversity of habitat types, aapa mires are specifically important for conserving diverse avifauna. They are especially important as breeding grounds, but also as resting and feeding area for migrating and moulting birds. The Perä-Pohjola aapa mire zone in central Lapland forms a wide chain of wetlands from east to west. It is one of Finland’s most important breeding areas for wetland birds. Much of this zone of aapa mires is classified as internationally important wetlands. It also offers huge possibilities for the socio-economic development of the region in terms of ecotourism. This project covers an area of about 41 000 ha of this aapa mire zone. The selected areas form an interesting combination of mires and old forests. Three Natura 2000 sites included in this project are all included in the IBA (Important Bird Areas) project and one also in the Ramsar convention. Objectives The main objective of the project was to secure the favourable conservation status of aapa mires and important bird areas in the by Perä-Pohjola aapa mire zone in central Lapland. The project sought to contribute to the development of the European Natura 2000 network with improved management planning and specific interventions. To achieve this, a number of actions were foreseen: Acquisition of privately owned areas - mainly aapa mire and other associated habitat types such as western taiga and bog woodland - to exclude peat extraction, forestry, drainage and water power plant construction; Preparing of the mire restoration plan for an area of about 100 ha in Luironsuot; Restoration 250 ha of aapa mires in previously drained parts of Luiron suot and Pyhä-Luosto National Park; and Elaboration of a management plan for sustainable use of 2400 ha at Kilpiaapa (a sub-area of Kemihaaran suot).To support these actions, the project intended to involve local people in the planning and implementation of the project and engage in media and information work to overcome public resistance to conservation measures and promote public support of sustainable socio-economic development. Results The Pelkosenniemi-Life project succeeded in restoring areas of aapa mire and establishing management plans for the preservation of favourable conservation status in a wide area of target aapa mire and bird protection habitats in central Lapland - part of the Natura 2000 network. The project secured 1 924 ha of aapa mire, bird protection areas, and forest from 71 different estates. The project worked hard to engage landowners both in an inventory process of the target forest/mire area and in awareness of nature conservation. Although much progress was made in convincing landowners to sell, the beneficiary was forced to start expropriation procedures for remaining areas. The beneficiary is confident that the target of purchasing 2 300 ha will be achieved with national funds in the near future. The project team successfully elaborated a management plan for the Natura 2000 areas FI 1300907 Kemihaaransuot covering 2 400 ha. This plan, which was approved during the project, describes the habitat types, age structure of the forest, endangered species, and the needs, goals, means and monitoring of habitat preservation. It has been designed to maintain favourable conservation status of the area, secure the living conditions for species and preserve the traditional use of the area. To develop the plan, the project was able to engage landowners and stakeholders in participatory processes which: conducted an inventory of habitats and species on the project land; established land-use needs; and enabled debate of key aspects of the plan. It also developed a restoration plan for aapa mire sites at Pyhä-Luosto National Park and at Luiron suot, based on aerial photos and fieldwork to assess local conditions. The plan covered 150 ha, of which 100 ha is actual mire restoration area. Specific restoration actions were conducted to fill in 44 103 m of ditches and build 19 dams in the Pyhä-Luosto National Park and at Luiron suot. These actions helped restore the appropriate hydrological conditions for 251.6 ha of aapa mire. The project used mainstream media channels as well as producing brochures, information leaflets, a video, an exhibition and new information boards at Kilpiaapa to promote public awareness. Public meetings and other direct contact with landowners and stakeholders was undertaken to increase buy-in to the project’s objectives. This work made progress, but also revealed further challenges in convincing landowners of the need to prioritise ecological concerns. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).

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