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Promotion of European Union qualities and international dialogue among young people
Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Nov 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The group of young people studying at University of Wroclaw, Opole University, TechnisheUniversitaet Chemnitz and also members of Georgian Speleologists Union initiated the project ?Promotion of European Union qualities and international dialogue among young people?. The leader of the project was the Scientific Circle of European Studies Students ?Project Europe?. They invited their friends from Opole University, TechnischeUniversitaet Chemnitz and Georgian Speleologists Union. The project created an educational platform for sharing youth opinions about the idea and the practical side of the European integration, and also contributed to breaking cultural stereotypes. While being in Mestia, each nationality prepare the cultural evening about their countries. During those evenings, other participants could find out more information about resources (language, traditions, dishes etc.) of one of the nationality. Everybody could get closer to other participants and learn how to work and communicate in the multicultural and international group while preparing and realizing the project. Every day we would organized workshops, during which one we discuss important topics for us, like our possibilities on the labor market, European Union problems and challenges. Our Georgian friend prepared a lection about ecological problems of Georgia. Students from Germany and Poland told a lot about the climate policy in European Union and about standards or instruments in that issue. The discussion helped us to share our own opinions and expectations related to operations European Union was going to use to solve the climates? problems. The main goal of the project was an increase of European identity between young people, the promotion of EU qualities and of the common European culture among the youth from EU and European Partnership countries.The ?City Mestia Game? helped us to learn more about the local society problems, architecture, cuisine, the regions? problems and shew us the work of the local municipality and the school. One of the main result of the game was the problem of the local pupils and conditions of their educational process. We could also meet the local authorities. While the meeting with the mayor of Mestia we tried to learn more about bad school and educational conditions ? cold and small rooms for classes, no renovation and no appropriate equipment. At the same time, we tried to understand, why the municipality building was so innovated and modern. Every participant of the city game got a prize (teddy bears, backpacks and bicycle bands from the European Commission Agency in Wroclaw). We all decided to give prizes like a presents to local school pupils.Another goal of our project was the creating of the possibility to share practical experience in the field of the cooperation inside and outside the European Union. By the engaging young people to the project, we put their attention on the ecological and environment problems, mainly on the sustainable development. The main actions to achieve this goal was the cooperation in cleaning Mestia. Using garbage bags and gloves we cleaned together the pasture for cows and the churchyard. Common workshops and cooperation helped us to work together in the multicultural, multilanguage and international group, what rose our chances of the professional mobilityon the European labor market, what applies to the targets of Europe 2020. Furthermore, the project achieved social inclusion of the youth from regions being at risk from geographical, economic and social points ? mainly from Georgia and Ukraine. The project was related to main targets of Erasmus Plus and Action 1 ? by the bigger participation of young people in the social life because of the creating the international dialogue, which gives a chance for a future cooperation between partners organizations, by the reinforcement of multicultural awareness among young people from the whole Europe, by sharing the knowledge about European Union ? its qualities and values, projects and actions, targets and goals. All of the participants also improve theirs English language skills and learn some words from Georgian, Polish, German and Ukrainian languages. All from aforementioned experiences will help the youth from the project to be more competitive on the abroad labor markets.

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