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Promotion des nouvelles formes de formation en économie sociale et solidaire
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The PPRO.F.ESS project aims to travel 16 professors and professionals of the training field in social entreprenership and third sector from France (Provence region) to Catalunya. The objective is the increase of the number of trainig activities through the experiences of the Calidoscoop spanish partners. A special focus on the pedagogic aspects developped and the theories on social business will be essential for our participants. In the next 10 years, more than 25 000 people will be retired in this field of activities in Provence (observatory of social economics activities, CRESS PACA, 2013). This phenomen could be helpful for the youth employment. We also observe that more than 10% of employed people works for social economics and third sector organizations, but we're pretty sure than the flagrant majority don't even know it. We have with this both phenomens, new fields to cover to increase the knowledges about the specifics reasons of the existence of social business theories and organizations. The meeting between training actors from public and private universities, employment public services and third sector organizations will facilitate us the transfert of pedagogic points of vue and some tested methods adapted to the increase of social business in territories. This project will permit an improvement of the specific knowledge in social businness in Europe, the identification of the cooperation working between politics third sector organizations and training actors. We plan on an increase of training propositions about social business and third sector in our region, helpful for students and employees of third sector organizations. We'll also permit to develop the french network of training in social business activities until the frontalier territories of Nice (french east south region). Our project aims to make cooperation a model between private and public actors working in knowledge promotion in social business, employment activities and sustainable economic development of the territories.

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