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Promotion and Capitalization of International Mobility Project to Reinforce Employability and Sociability System
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

After several studies, it is confirmed that most of the people realizing such mobility experiences has concrete values (in terms of skills, open mind, self confidence....) but there is not existing concrete and really good ways and tools for these people to promote all these personnal and professional benefits after their return. People with fewer opportunities (unemployed, discriminated...) realizing such non formal education experience absolutely need to be supported after their return to facilitate their social and professional integration in their original environment. Moreover, the professional market is more and more difficult to integrate and it is important for the people out of this market to get knowledge about how to integrate it easier, how to capitalize correctly their experience and the developped skills and how to promote all of it for their professional and social integration. In this way, through this european partnership project PC IMPRESS (Promotion and Capitalization of International Mobility Project to Reinforce Employability and Sociability System), we want to create new innovative tools to support people after their return from international mobility experience to capitalize perfectly their experience (professional and personnal skills, knowledge, other benefit) and to promote all of this on the good way to facilitate their social and professional integration. Our PC IMPRESS will follow the recommendations of the European Quality Charter for Mobility by developing practical tools for people with fewer opportunities and to help them to qualify and promote their key competences. Thanks to this project, we will share, with other european partners from several areas and specialized in international mobility, certification, employment and social inclusion, the existing tools and methods in different parts of Europe. We will also create new innovative tools and methods to support people with fewer opportunities in the capitalization and the promotion of their experience: - List of existing tools and methods in the field of Capitalization and promotion of International Mobility project in Europe (in the 5 involved countries). - Skills portfolio for the participant to capitalize all the competencies and knowledge learnt and developped during the international mobility project and to analysis the evolution between before and after the international mobility project. - Innovative IT capitalization tool of the needs and attempts of labor market (to match them with the attempts of beneficiaries coming back from international mobility project) - Online platform to share capitalisation and promotion tools and methods between non formal education workers (and other local, national and european organizations/institutions linked to social inclusion, employment and international mobility). - Framework for capitalization and promotion interviews (for the non formal education workers after the return of a beneficiary from an international Mobility project). - Practical guide on capitalization and promotion to be used by the non formal education worker after international mobility project of his (her) beneficiary. This project will be realized through different phases from september 2014 to august 2017: Preparation phase Implementation phase Monitoring and evaluation phase Dissemination phase Closure phase All along this project the different partners will realize seminar/work meetings to exchange and work concretly on these tools conception to support the capitalization and the promotion of International mobility project realized by people with fewer opportunities.
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4 Partners Participants