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PROmoting Women’s Enterprising Competences in Europe: Towards the Development of Services to Dependant People.

The proposal was based on the realization of various common realities at European level which would need a joint action: • The need to foster entrepreneurship and business culture as a mean to provide dynamism to the European labour market.• Remaining inequalities in the opportunities for men and women. Women are still a group at risk of exclusion from the labour market, especially when talking about self-employment and business creation• The Aging of European population that means an increase of activity in the field of services of assistance to the elderly. • Increasingly prominence of the issue of assistance services to dependant people (long term care) in the social and policy agenda due to the aging of European population and to the growing awareness on the need to provide quality of life to dependant people(elderly, disabled, children…) by offering them specialized and quality care services. In more than 80% of the cases, the care of dependant relatives is carried out by women due to the traditional role of women as assistants The perception of all these facts, led the partners of this proposal to devise a work plan addressed to qualify women working in the Assistance Services to dependant people and valorise their role by promoting entrepreneurship, specially among those women with special difficulties in accessing the labour market: immigrant women and women who were joining the labour market after several years devoted to the family and home care.The innovative products developed in the framework of the Enterprising Competences-EU project, in which most of the partners in the proposal participated, were considered as the suitable tools to carry out this project so transferring these products to a specific sector with a high social interest like Services for assisting Dependant People, an expanding sector in which micro-SMEs, self-employed workers and social economy enterprises are called to play a key role. The proposal was supported by 8 partners from Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria which involved during the project development different organisations at national level for the implementation of the European Model for Identification and Accreditation of Enterprising an Professional Competences in the field of Assistance Services to Dependant People. Such implementation involved about 100 women from the 4 countries who received advice and guidance service aimed to the detection of their enterprising competences and their professional skills in the field. The partners also developed a pilot accreditation process, signing a Memorandum of Understanding for the common recognition and accreditation by all the partners organisations of the competences hold by the participant women. Apart from this European Model, the most relevant tangible results of the project were a Transnational report on the Training and Employment opportunities in the sector and a Map of occupations and competences in the sector. The expected impact was an improvement in the qualification of women working in the sector as well as an increase in the ratio of female enterprising, number of self-employed and social economy business in the regions where the project activities were implemented.

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8 Partners Participants