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Promoting the recognition of learning in national and European contexts
Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Project ProLeNE - Promoting the recognition of learning in national and European contexts – is a straightforward project aimed at promoting the benefits of credit-rating informal, non-formal and non-accredited learning to a range of audiences - learners, employers, training providers and national policy-makers - and at expanding the number and range of credit-rated informal and non-formal learning provision in the Scotland’s National Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. This will be achieved by undertaking capacity-building and promotional activities, at national level, that will support the widespread use of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (Scotland's qualifications and lifelong learning framework). These activities will respond to the economic, vocational, academic and social imperatives for learning in all contexts - formal, non-formal, informal, work-based - to be valued and recognised. Since the SCQF is, already, referenced to the European Qualifications Framework, these activities will, also, assist in the recognition of learning and the promotion of pan-European mobility. The focus of the aforementioned activities will be on (i) promoting the benefits of credit-rating to colleges, universities and other approved credit-rating bodies (ii) promoting the benefits of credit-rating learning to employers (iii) increasing the number of non-academic and non-formal learning programmes incorporated in the SCQF (iv) increasing the availability and access to the recognition of prior learning (v) raising-awareness among learners of the advantages of credit-rated provision for progression and articulation and labour market mobility. The resultant impact will be an increase in the supply and demand for credit-rated programmes and the recognition of prior learning amongst learning providers, employers and learners.
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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\POLICY CO-OPERATION AND INNOVATION IN LIFELONG LEARNING (KEY ACTIVITY 1)\Awareness of lifelong learning policies and EU cooperation in education and training
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform