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Promoting responsible food consumer choices that foster biodiversity in the Network of Natura 2000 and natural protected areas in Spain (BIOCxLIFE)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Changes in land-use practices, in particular the abandonment of traditional farming methods in favour of more intensive, mechanised and industrial scale activities, is resulting in an accelerated loss of animal and plant genetic resources. In Spain, this is threatening food security for current and future generations, as well as putting at risk the conservation of natural resources both within and outside the Spanish Natura 2000 network. Ideally, the conservation of a biological resource should take place within the ecosystem of which it is a part. This “in situ” conservation helps to preserve not only a particular species, but also its ecological relations and processes. In order to preserve human welfare in the long term, people need to be informed of new production and consumption models that contribute to the conservation of the Earth’s living systems and acquired resources for future generations. Information is the key to persuading consumers to favour certain ‘greener’ products and to avoid others. Objectives The main objectives of the project are: 1. To develop new information and communication campaigns to improve people’s awareness and knowledge of the importance of biodiversity conservation; 2. To continue work already started on highlighting the important links between rural development and nature conservation; 3. To develop information and communication campaigns to highlight the importance of biodiversity, its links with rural development and to promote (via a project website and other tools) greener consumption and leisure patterns that in turn contribute to biodiversity conservation; 4. To promote the production and consumption of products that contribute to halting the loss of biodiversity. Expected results: 1. The project’s ambitious target is to reach through its various campaigns a potential audience of up to 15 million people (living mainly in northern, central and southern Spain). This figure will be supplemented by a further target reach of 15 million people involved in the Spanish and European rural tourism sector; 2. The expected involvement of up to 5 000 locally-based stakeholders, mainly in the regions of northern, central and southern Spain; 3. A halting, or slowing down of the rate of genetic erosion through the promotion of responsible consumption and production patterns that favour biodiversity, especially in areas linked to the Spanish Natura 2000 network.
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