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Promoting Equality in Digital Literacy

PREDIL’s central concern is on the harmonization of societal needs and pedagogicalpractices.The project intends to map (via a discursive approach) current teaching practices ontopupils’ preferences with regard to ICT applications in the curriculum and to developsupport tools for teachers. Semi- structured interviews, focus group discussions,structured discussion fora and on-line data collection methods will be applied. Theanalyses of evidences (data and discourse) will be considered both from quantitativeand qualitative perspectives.The principle tangible outcome is a set of Guidelines by which teachers can reflect ongirls' instructional needs and personal attributions with respect to use of ICT in thelearning/teaching process. These are to be localized in 20 European National contexts.The research and validation procedures facilitate the setting up of a Network on theproject's thematic orientation. This is supported by numerous activities aiming at theevolution of the Network into a CoP on gender and ICT. Transversal activities areintegral parts of the project's workplan and include evaluation (both internal andexternal), quality assurance considerations, dissemination and exploitation. PREDILalso undertakes the development of a Resource Library and the organization of anInternational Event.The workplan is implemented in a seven interdependent workpackage evenly distributedacross the partnership. The workplan calls for research and networking activities to becarried out across Europe. A total of 2000 pupils and 400 teachers participate in theresearch and reflection components of the project. These are reached by the project'sformal and associate partners, the majority of which are engaged in Teacher-in-ServiceProfessional Development, representing over 20 Member States. All partners bring intothe project schools with which there is established collaboration. The project utilizes theconcept of “satellites” to widen the geographical coverage for both the research andawareness development activities. The European Centre for Research on LifelongLearning (CRELL) participates as an associated partner and is active in structuring theresearch and analytical framework.The formal partnership comprises of seven institutions, five of which have recentlycollaborated in the frame of the PREMA project. The two other partners jointed theconsortium because of interest in the PREDIL's scope and implied approach. Allpartners participate in all project activities. Specific time consuming, stand alone, tasksare subcontracted for purposes of efficiency and effectiveness.
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6 Partners Participants