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Promocja uczenia się przez całe życie w szkołach wyższych przez wdrożenie innowacyjnych praktyk w zakresie uznawalności efektów uczenia się uzyskanych poza edukacją formalną
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Promoting LLL in HE by implementing innovative practices in RPL - EDUPRO Higher education institution and lifelong learning education keep searching for new ways of coexistence and cooperation. The important task of finding the right framework and right solutions to recognize prior learning outcomes resulted from everyday life experience, work environments and numerous social practices became a priority task in integrating HEI and LLL. HEI in Poland are currently in the stage of intense search for its own strategies and solutions when it comes to integrating LLL and RPL. Erasmus + creates a possibilities of learning from the experiences of more advanced partner institutions in EU, analysing their policies and strategies and build its own systems and tools of RPL while allowing European partners critical view of their own practices through action research process and the exchange of their experiences in the field. EDUPRO project is responding to the need to: widening participation in education for adult learners ( over 25 years old), promote and validate learning in non -formal and informal learning settings (i. e. workplace learning), create new curriculum and educational programmes for learners without prior academic experiences. Added value of the project is the involvement of other stakeholders (employers, local government, NGO’s) in the process of shaping key competences and skills essentials for the market, local communities and active citizenship practices. There are four HEI involved in the project, all of them are experienced in participation in international research projects: DSW (University of Lower Silesia) – non state academic HEI established in 1997 in Wroclaw, Poland. University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal - HEI established in 70. Well known for its reach network of international cooperation and strong ties with local stakeholders. University of Warwick (UK) – one of the biggest and most prominent HEI in Great Britain with reach offer in LLL. University of Gdansk – one of the top state founded HEI in Poland. Activities within the project will enable to create and test best practices and solutions (organizational, institutional, procedural and staff related) in LLL and RPL based on more advanced partners’ experiences and to analyse current state of the art in RPL in EU based on resources of HEI. Main tasks of the project are: sharing experiences between partners, sharing resources and working materials, comparative studies between institutions as LLL leaders (case studies, action research, documents analysis), experimental implementation of RPL solutions in Poland based on recommendation for polish practitioners in HEI, creating an educational offer for learners from non-academic environments (non- traditional learners of all age and background). Expected outcomes of the project are both intellectual (institutional profiles, recommendation, research report on action research, website, papers and articles) as well as promotes and disseminates the results of the project (conference, workshops for the stakeholders). Long terms results of the project are: raising awareness of LLL significance as a key learning practice through disseminating the outcomes of the project after its finishing, involving every possible open access resources to promotes it. Long term results of EDUPRO are focused on HEI and address the necessity to open up towards new group of learners with diverse learning experiences, social and cultural capitals as well as new learning resources.
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3 Partners Participants