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Projet d'Insertion Professionnelle en Europe Lié à une Implication Nouvelle pour les Elèves
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Globalization makes foreign languages very useful and essential in many professional sectors, particularly in commerce which is a subject studied in our school. Our school is located in a touristic area and near the Spanish border where international companies (surfing) have a strong demand for foreign language speakers. That is why for many years we have included an approach of international openness in the school. After a successful experiment in 2009 in Spain, we then ran the project from 2013 to 2015 in Spain and Ireland, we wish to renew this opportunity for our students and our teachers. Three general objectives motivate this project: - the development of professional skills in another context and another international culture - the improvement of students coping skills in a professional situation and through a foreign language - help young people to become more independent and responsible in a foreign country The planned placements will include 30 final year Bac Pro Commerce students who are receiving initial training. The students are aged from 17 to 19 years old, often from disadvantaged social backgrounds (37% are on state grants). Students will have to show motivation, commitment and have a minimum level of the language to be selected for the programme (level B1 CECRL) The selected students will have 4 weeks of a placement in February or March. These months were decided with host companies. Accommodation will be provided by host families to allow total immersion in the country, both linguistically and culturally. Many arrangements have enabled us in our approach: the creation of a dual English and Spanish European section, DNL certification teachers and several teachers who already attended teaching training in the host countries Various components have enabled us to run this project. Our partners in this project are Spanish and Irish companies in the trade and distribution sector. While on business trips, teachers have benefited from an excellent relation with many managers and company owners who already have experience hosting foreign students. During these visits the teachers have been welcomed in the local schools and have also built a partnership with foreign teachers who are often willing to keep an eye out for the students while on their placements. The school has also established a partnership with two agencies that find and oversee the placements of students in host families and their continuous monitoring; these are the IEC (International Trade Centre) in Ireland and NACEL Spain. Two teachers will travel with the students to each destination before the placement starts to ensure the students installation and their presentation to the host-businesses, and at the end to assess students and ensure they get home safely. The expected results are: - Improvement of conventional and professional language - Improved knowledge of professional practice abroad - Students will become more responsible, more independent and have a better coping ability As such students will be assessed on site and on their return by an assessment report and an oral presentation. They will receive the Europass Mobility and the option of two additional tests: optional unit mobility and European mention (“unité facultative de mobilité et mention européenne”). The school will benefit in terms of the attractiveness of the euro section, exam success, standard of results achieved, employability rates and the potential of continued studies. More generally, and in the long term, this project should enable us to establish a lasting relationship in exchange for business logic and linguistic opportunities all over Europe. The creation of strong links with other European countries reinforces the school in this logic. The experience gives an attractive image of the professional training offered, not to mention the undeniable personal enrichment of each student and their professional and linguistic experience. Also it's a great way to generate a working relationship between countries, but also within the teaching staff of the institution (common educational project - vocational education and teaching modern languages).
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