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Project Management for cross-cultural exchange projects in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project management for cross-cultural exchange projects in Europe in Porto (Portugal) aims to expand the participants’ understanding of executing, developing, planning and managing European projects. It provides thorough education in the field of intercultural relationships and enlarge the teachers´competence to transform relevant knowledge to their students and encourage expansion of competence in students enthusiasm for Europe and to raise their chances on the European labour market. The content of the training course include also the participation of all teacher from different countries and cultures so that the cross-cultural learning can not only take place during the training course period, but also during the whole seminar time. At the same time our teachers have the opportunity to intensively meet potential project partners and plan with them school exchanges. The training course also focuses on cross-cultural relations, breaking down the prejudices, etiquette rules for the intercultural project work in Europe and also cooperation, mutual tolerance and creating proper team environment to strengthen the European dimension. During the seminars participants work in several training teams and communicate problems of cooperation, management and cultural peculiarities of involved countries and discuss different project activities. They will also learn strategies for dissemination of seminar results, cooperation and discussion. Of course, a space will be provided for evaluation of the course and feedback of the participants. Our school has not taken part in similar projects yet so the school management decided to send an English teacher for this cross-cultural training course. The good knowledge of English is one of her advantage because the language used for the training course is English. She also has an enormous interest in making English lessons more attractive, overcome the stereotype in the English education and she wants students to face reality and not only made-up situations in the classroom. She is a teacher of civics as well therefore she is the most competent person to transform and bring values such as religious, racial or culture tolerance, and cooperation acquired in the context of intercultural cooperation of teachers participating in this training course in Portugal to students and colleagues. If the training course proves the relevance of gained information and the participation of our teacher brings an expected benefit to our school, in the near future more teachers will participate in similar courses. Participation of our teacher in this training course and in particular seminar activities improves her communicative and language competence. She also obtains relevant knowledge about KA2 projects Erasmus+, planning, preparation and realization of projects with schools in Europe and makes her management ability better. The point of the course is also to mediate new information which attract other colleagues and encourage them to work on european cross-cultural projects. After the training course and subsequent realization of Erasmus+ project our students get more opportunities to compare their knowledge and experiences not only in the field of cooperation but also they will be exposed to immediate contact with different culture, traditions, cultural heritage, language and various approaches to education and of course they will get a chance to gain advantages and become an interesting applicant in the European labour market. Morover, this course bring the significant opportunity to meet new teachers from different schools from abroad. Teachers and students get to know different educational systems and learning methods. Students who will have an opportunity to get a glimpse of each other's everyday life as well as national culture and acquire selfconfidence in communication. To gain new experiences in a team work cooperation in an international surrounding is of a great importance. The course will consist of theoretical and practical activities: - how to gain information about different projects - how to find partners, - how to monitor project, - how to initiate project, - how to prepare and realize an cross-cultural project, - how to cooperate, - how to evaluate and disseminate project results - how to find solutions of possible problems and how to avoid them, - how to tolerate different cultures, - how to eliminate prejudice, - how to follow etiquette rules in project management. The methodology will be based on integration of theory and practice as well as sharing expertise and analyzing case studies. The following methods will be applied: - plenary, - discussions in pairs and small groups, - role plays, - interactive poster sessions - workshops. The contribution of this seminar is to make the quality of intercultural relationship better and prepare our students for Europe and for the European labour market.
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