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Progressing Entrepreneurial Goals
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

The project will develop visual products for use by individuals developing entrepreneurial competence (KC7) to enable them to establish their starting point, set goals via action planning, and visually track the progress in developing their entrepreneurial potential. Products developed will include: 1.The PEGS competency measurement tool which will list entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and attitude indicators and sub-indicators from a basic starting point through to achievement, and present that information in a visual tool which can be re-visited to measure distance travelled.2.The PEGS action planning tool which will take the results from the PEGS competency measurement tool and develop a beneficiary focussed action plan which can be amended as the beneficiary re-visits the PEGS competency measurement tool.3.A programme for individuals and professionals which will provide training in the use of the PEGS tools.4.A PEGS database of available entrepreneurial support (local, national, EU)5.PEGS WebsiteThe products will be tested with professionals and individuals and translated into our partner languages Research highlighted that whilst products are available to support the development of entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitudes e.g. training/mentoring, there are no products available to measure the achievement of “steps along the way” and to ensure clarity of purpose and focus for beneficiaries in order to achieve goals. PEGS will fill that gap.PEGS utilises recent research into entrepreneurship development which suggests that pedagogical strategies should be used which are developmental and practical rather than academic and which adapt to the needs of each student.The impact will be the clarification of progression against key entrepreneurial competencies and the production of visual and practical tools which can be utilised across Europe and which will support potential entrepreneurs in the on-going development of their competencies.

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