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Programme pour l'Education et la Formation Tout au Long de la Vie
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

.The Lycée Professionnel Vauvenargues chose to drive 20 students Terminals Electrical pro tray and Maintenance of Industrial Equipment to participate in a mobility project in Malta. This choice driven by openness to international priority -setting project. In a current crisis , it seems important to give these students a formative and differentiated experience for everyone. Making a difference this also through a resume. To do this , students will present to future employers Europass documents The awareness of being a European citizen is through the programs of Education but also can live for a month in a European country in contact with a foster and doing an internship with a Maltese company . This course is considered through collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce Franco - Maltese , in the person of Mrs Vella, we have worked with for 3 years. You have established priorities: find companies that have the desire to acquire professional and language skills necessary to obtain the tray Pro with regard to the assessment grids IN Accommodation which is in foster families for impregnation of life of Maltese and enabling compliance of others and their lifestyle. To do this, a team of teachers chose to work around a unifying project. We would like to help students in their career , and being a cog in the realization that labor mobility is a dominant of the world of work : Using Custom allows to help students to build their career and consider further education or facilitated the entry of students into the world of business . Students who volunteer for this internship will certainly assess their language skills but also on how they implement to participate : awareness , professional skills , motivation .... Preparation project will firstly through various activities promoted by the teachers : In EGLS , resume writing and cover letter in English. Constitution of a file on Malta, where each student will develop a chosen element of Maltese culture. Become European citizens is to apprehend its history, its language, political ..... Students will be pushed to the autonomy and initiative : administrative, research on cultural activities that could be carried out during the project. In parallel , the team will continue its contacts with the Chamber of Commerce Franco - Maltese to define and find the most relevant places of course , in terms of their professional specialty through mails and phone calls. The involvement of students in the selection of activities to be performed on site, will make sense when Ms. Vella we'll propose reservations. Throughout the period of mobility , a teacher will accompany the students to Malta. He will be on hand to ensure the hospitality in families, the relevance of courses, redefine with the tutors the skills that will be assessed at the end of the period, and mentor students who may be minors. Students will therefore be immersed in another culture and be able to acquire new skills , and they learn to speak English in a professional situation , which could become an important asset in their future professional life. For this we implement several activities during language reinforced during the holidays, during oral sex by the language school in Malta. This course assessed will result in a report and an oral considered for obtaining the examination. Necessary first step in the lives of these future workers. Restitution in the class with , peers but also their parents, enabling them to discuss their new skills, experience and a particular aspect of life which Malta as a European citizen they were sensitive . Experience they will spokespersons with students they first meet to motivate them and that they benefit themselves, as the following year . These acquired skills and experience will be demonstrated by students when they become major players in the development of the institution by becoming ambassadors colleges basin , receiving at a ceremony organized by the city school their Europass Diploma before the regional press.
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