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Programme for the Activation of Women’s Skills

The labour market is affected by economic changes and influences. This has tremendous influence on the professional paths of European workers. The most vulnerable go in and out of employment in short cycles during their professional lives. Individuals have to manage these professional transitions and face uncertainties all along their careers. In this context, the specific characteristics of women’s paths seem to be an aggravating factor. Family life has consequences on women’s professional lives more often than on men’s. Maternity, education and child care create, in women’s life and in employers’ minds, constraints as well as gaps in professional paths which are sometimes hardly compatible with the current demands of the labour market. The programme of transfer of innovation is about working on a new type of guidance tool, directed at women, putting emphasis on the need to improve the balance between personal and professional life, in order to improve their employability and in this way, reduce inequalities.Objective 1 of the PoWer PAC: training professionals involved in the career guidance, training, employment and social life sectors for using the KIT PACThe KIT PAC is a tool box based on a programme designed for women which relies on the theory of the activation of skills through the empowerment of women. Training professionals involved in guiding women to activate their skills, thanks to the transfer of the KIT PAC in 4 countries, will contribute to the development of skills and competencies of the experts involved (EU priority).Objective 2 of the PoWer PAC:-Developing women’s skills so that they are more visible, acknowledged and valorised-Rethinking the approach to vocational guidance for women in order to help them (all along their professional lives) to:Access employment,Manage and optimise transitions,Anticipate and master their professional life taking into account facts and constraints related to family life,Valorise their experience through empowerment itself and improving this empowerment.
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