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Programme d’Échanges et de Stages en Ecosse pour les Ressources naturelles et la Valorisation de l'Environnement
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project PRESERVE will allow LEGTPA Neuvic organizing european mobilities for 20 professional undergraduate students in wildlife management with the aim to grow and shine in an international dimension for the institution and its training.These vocational training courses will take place in Scotland, European territory with which we share common environmental problems and similar issues (rich but fragile natural environments).These mobilities will last three weeks and will allow participants to acquire new skills in the management and protection of nature.This project is built for the sake of equal opportunity, discovery of others.For our school this is to sustain and develop a strong network with our host and partner to increase the number of mobilities in the future.The success of PRESERVE first go through adequate preparation of young people before, support during mobility and after a recognition of acquired skills (Europass), better employability for the students, strengthening their independence and better confidence in their capabilities by the acquisition of transferable skills inherent to geographical mobility (cultural openness, adaptability ...).By including them in a dynamic process, European mobility will add value to the training curriculum of the students.
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