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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A) Student Mobility for Work Experience The project consists of 57 students stay Vocational Middle Grade professionals belonging to different families , they will make their practices FCT module in companies in UK for 12 weeks (26 participants ), Ireland ( 26 participants) and France (5 participants). The objectives pursued in this project , the students regarding recipients are : raising employability, improve technical and language skills; Encouraging adaptability and versatility ; Expand student training curriculum ; Enhance the personal and social development . The students will do internships as members of the profession associated with their studies . So, they will be able to see how this activity takes place in a different country of origin and to develop the necessary social skills to fit into an environment different job . If the evaluation reports are positive , they will validate this adaptation period for the equivalent Module FCT of their specialty. To evaluate the project , we collect information from : 1. Intermediaries - host partners are guaranteeing adequate housing and support of students. 2. Host companies , appointing a guardian who is evaluating the practices in the business, which will issue weekly reports of work and development of the student. 3. The self-assessment by the students themselves , how was the experience , learning, etc. . Besides, official documents required for the evaluation will be used: student self-assessment document (report of the participant) ; weekly activities student's sheet ( made by students ) and paper company tutor assessment The participation of students in the Erasmus + program will produce a multiplier effect on vocational training because they convey to his teammates his experiences and new knowledge , collaborating in the dissemination of the program for students who participate in the same program next year. B) Staff mobility for training purposes This project is a part of the program of teacher mobility promoted by DG FP of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the GVA . The mobilities of 2 weeks in July will be performed in Germany, France , Austria, and Finland. This project includes teachers from several Vocational Training specialties as well as Training and Guidance speciality. Being all this organized by country of destination, planning a joint work between DG FP, intermediaries and host partners. Stays are organized as a cross-cutting program to all specialties addressing issues of risk prevention , quality, environment , etc . , Visits to related companies specialized teachers are also included. Teachers may invoke either stay based on their knowledge of the language of the host country , which allow them to develop an European training pathway . Among the objectives are knowledge of other production environments as well as strengthen the vocational teachers training knowledge. This increase in technical and language skills , little by little, is serving as the basis for a more comprehensive project to promote language education as a CLIL activity , which will undoubtedly generate added value in the training of vocational students . Besides, participating teachers will exchange technical and professional experiences with teachers from other countries and know other production environments , production systems , etc. . This will facilitate contact with institutions / Vocational Training centers and companies that facilitate the subsequent realization of practical training for students of vocational training through the Erasmus centralized projects + program . They also work with outreach activities in the Trade Training and Employment held in Castellón , Valencia and Alicante and talks and conferences organized by DG FP of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the GVA in the three provinces , in order to promote the participation of institutes and vocational training centers in the activities of European mobility. C ) Mobility of teaching staff : Carrying out 4 teaching stays for 2 months for VET teachers in UK and Ireland will be very positive about the introduction of English as the language of two- way integrated vocational modules between those who make full LOE training cycles , with both linguistic and professional benefit from the students, facilitating their mobility to any European country.

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