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Professionnalisation de l'équipe de la Cité des Métiers de Liège
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Cité des Métiers" label is a label awarded to French multi-partner structures dedicated to career guidance.The "Cité des Métiers" of Liège is the first in Belgium to have received this label. She is currently in development and will open in 2016.Erasmus + project concerns the professional team of the Cité des Métiers, since this is a new and innovative concept in the area. This team is made up of 7 people with different profiles: communication, education, computer science.This professionalization through observation visits in active Cités des Métiers and through participation in the annual seminars for exchange of all Cités des Métiers, the Winter Schools. The objective is to transfer practices and experiences and apply them to the future Cité des Métiers de Liège, while adapting them to local conditions. The ultimate goal is the establishment of a Cité des Métiers in Liege with roots in the experiences of the International Network of Cités des Métiers, builds on the experiences of other Cités des Métiers, and also brings his share of innovation and creativity with an efficient team of professionals.
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