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Professionalisierung pädagogischer Konzepte mittels Entwicklung eines Qualifizierungsangebots im europäischen Taubblindenwesen
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Due to missing possibilities in Europe for staff to get qualified in the field of deafblindness, it is strongly indicated to develop a broad and innovative staff training program. This is even more needed as you keep in mind the necessity for an outstanding expertise in the work with people with deafblindness, respectively the fatal consequences of a lack in expertise because of the high dependency of people with deafblindness owing to their combined loss of senses. This program can secure the participation of people with deafblindness in the society during their whole span of life. Therefore it has to be taken into account that - because of the high specific of deafblindness in connection with comparatively just a few high qualified professionals - a pooling of competencies of the leading centres for deafblindness in the German language area (one from Austria, one from Switzerland and four from Germany) and the Netherlands (two centres) is required. It is solely with this method possible to generate a sustainable staff training program and an appropriate standard in the qualification of staff. The choice of the seven involved centres and 14 representatives (the so called "core team") is based on the highest possible excellence in expertise (i.e. international Master´s course "communication and deafblindness" and experience (up to 40 years of work experience) in the field; it was possible to involve the best in their field in PropäK EQUAT and for the development of the staff training program. Our goal is to develop a staff training program which consists on the systematic-methodic level out of six modules (I presence modules; II transfer phases; III learning partnerships; IV onlinesharing; V individual portfolio; VI learning congress) and on the level of content out of five qualification fields (I video analysis; congenital deafblindness and social interaction; III meaning making and practical training ; IV combined sensory impairment and acquired deafblindness; V learning congress). This training program addresses staff which is working with children and adults with deafblindness. Innovative is the way of teaching, as this is based on current findings from research in adult education and neurophysiology. Our method of developing the staff training program is to divide the whole program into six different contents and to allocate responsible people for these parts as well as team partners for them. These six parts form the six intellectual outputs: Four basis modules referring to the four standard books on communcation and congenital deafblindness which were translated from English to German in the prior EU project. Beside these four basis modules there are two special modules which focus on video analysis and on combined sensory impairment as well as on aquired deafblindness. In every qualification area the six systematic-methodically modules are considered. The concrete result is a folder for participants and for lecturers of the staff training program which contains aspects of content and methods attached to the qualification areas. This folder makes an independent implementation and participation of and in the staff training program possible. Due to the staff training program the expertise in the German speaking area will increase and for the first time an European Standard will be developed. After the project, the staff training program shall be translated and a very high impact is possible. Generally, participants and people who were involved in the development of the program will gain more motivativation for their everyday work. Additionally the field of deafblindness will become more and more recognised as a field on its own. Next to the development of a staff training program a big impact will be reached by the two multiplier events, the future learning congresses which go along with the staff training program as well as the goal directed public relations. Within the core team meetings the topic consultation for youths and adults will get a special space, which accords to the spirit of time of inclusion and leads to a shared expertise in this area between the partners as well as to a shared expertise with other partners with whom this knowledge is being shared. Altogether seven core team meetings will take place and additionally two meetings of the working group, whereas the preparation referring staff training program is fulfilled by the members who are responsible for a part and their team partners and the core team works as a corrective. Sustainable are the learning effects of the participants of the staff training program (there will be a pilot), the increasing motivation of the people who are developing the program as well as the increase in expertise in this team and in the core team. But also the existence of a program in German language as well as the possibility for translation into other languages. The European Network is being tightened and can in future open up for more partners.
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6 Partners Participants