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Professionalisierung der Lehrkräfte in der Zweijährigen Berufsfachschule
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Zweijährige Berufsfachschule" (two-year vocational course to reach the lower secondary qualification) of Ludwig-Erhard-Schule in Frankfurt / Germany is currently going through a phase of changes and adjustments. Aim of several innovation was to encourage students to continue their education and to fight absentism, to increase the rate of successful exams with better average results and to improve the transition into the working world. As a first project within Erasmus+, the school intends further training and professionalisation of ESL teachers by sending a single member of staff to a one-week training course in Edinburgh / UK. Any new findings of this course should encourage the further development of the curriculum. Findings of the project are intended to be included in a new experimental school form "Berufsfachschule für den Übergang in Ausbildung", which includes a new conception of Englisch lessons.

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