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Professionalisering Lentiz | Reviuslyceum
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lentiz | Reviuslyceum is a medium-sized school for pre university education, located in Maassluis which is near Rotterdam. It is the vision of the school that ICT is very important as a supporting tool for the education process. According to scientific research ICT is a big contributor to creating appealing education, rich learning environments, encouraging independent learning among pupils and using remediating applications. Lentiz | Reviuslyceum sees it as her duty to guide her pupils to responsible digital and online behaviour. Internationalisation is a theme which is integrated in the vision of the school and made concrete in every grade. Pupils are challenged to develop their talents and to link these to our society. Since 2008 Reviuslyceum joined the national steering group of ELOS (European Learning in Schools). This label, which can be obtained by high schools, focusses on the learning-teaching trajectory of the subject EIO (European and International Orientation, which is implemented in all subjects), internationalisation and a focus on language. The school organizes many exchanges on a large scale with their Euopean partners, whom they know from previous cooperations. It is a deliberate choice of the school to organize these activities to prepare our pupils for the international orientated society and labor market. Lentiz | Reviuslyceum has the ambition to obtain the junior certificate of ELOS schools. To accomplish this ambition the school must keep in touch with al the trends in the fields of internationalization and digital education. For this reason two teachers will participate in the annual conference organized by the Irish European Studies and two teachers will participate in the course. Interactive Media for Interactive Teaching and Learning in Cyprus, where they will learn to translate digital applications into concrete lessons. This knowledge secures the membership of the school in the group of schools in the Netherlands, united in the iScholengroep which are known for state-of-the-art education regarding implementing digital means into education. The gained knowledge will, if fitting, be implemented in the vision and internationalization policy of the school and Lentiz education group. Also, if asked for, the knowledge will be shared within the national ELOS and iScholengroup workgroups and the other 10 Lentiz schools via workshops.
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