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Professionalisering Lentiz | Dalton MAVO
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lentiz education group aspires to be a provider of challenging and high qualitative types of education, next to being a professional and desirable employee. To realise this ambition we, as an education group, always have three fundamental standing points, namely connecting world, being relevant and exceeding expectations. Lentiz | Dalton MAVO, part of the Lentiz education group, provides high qualitative education to her 577 pupils. It is their intrinsic motivation to challenge the pupils to learn and live and to develop themselves in ‘fearless people’ as Parkhurst calls Dalton pupils. After finishing our (bilingual) education our pupils are able to speak English and are able to take their place in the international and intercultural context. At the moment the school is a junior bilingual school, where the upper level classes will be bilingual from this year on. The school is also an ELOS school. This means we educate our pupils to be international citizens by providing them with an ELOS approved curriculum. Lentiz | Dalton MAVO aspires to be a bilingual and ELOS school in all school years. The school divides her curriculum in four blocks of ten weeks. The first and third block consists only of lessons in Dutch. The second and fourth block consist of only subjects taught in the English language. From this year the upper level classes will also follow this schedule and therefore there is a need to equip our upper level teachers with a course to take their knowledge of the English language to a higher level. One of the demands from the ELOS and Bilingual framework is that all teachers have at least level B2 in the European Framework of Reference. Besides that all lessons have to be executed for at least 50% in English or German. The teachers of the upper level classes need more support to get to this level. For this reason five of our teachers are going to a English course to freshen up their English jargon of their subjects at a language school in Malta and one German teacher goes to Germany for the same purposes in their language field. Results - Upper level teachers, who completed the English or German course, will implement their new knowledge in their lessons. - Upper level teachers, who completed the English or German course share their knowledge in the teams they work in. They share their knowledge by sharing the glossary they’ve made. This way, the whole team will be able to use the appropriate jargon in their lessons so pupils will be better equipped for their further education and/or job. - The teachers will be more involved in the international, bilingual and ELOS projects of the school for example language villages, email projects, exchange projects. These activities fit the strategic vision of the Lentiz | Dalton MAVO to educate intercultural competent pupils, who are able to take their place in the international context of our society by providing bilingual as well as ELOS education. These gained competences fit the frameworks of quality demands of both the ELOS as the bilingual labels. The school aspires both labels and certificates to be acquired next year by the visitation committees. These actions of professionalization support these ambitions. The most important activities and methods are: Preparation phase There will be three internal meetings where the starting level of the teachers are measured and to compose the learning agreements for the teachers. Further the teachers will match their learning goals to the vision of the education group, the vision of the school and the frameworks of the bilingual and ELOS label. Executive phase In this phase the teachers will participate in the language course in Malta or Germany. Reflecting phase Teachers will use this phase of six weeks after the course to reflect on their learning goals and how they’re going to disseminate their knowledge. Disseminating phase Dissemination is done through meetings of the teachers from the same subject, Lentiz meetings for all schools and national meetings of the ELOS, bilingual and Dalton networks. Long term effects There are multiple long term effects: - Lentiz | Dalton MAVO will receive the label of the bilingual senior visitation committee and the junior ELOS label from that committee, which are valid for four years. - The quality of the lessons in the upper level classes are heightened, which is ensured in the sections of the subjects. - The Lentiz education group vision regarding internationalisation is strengthened. - Other Lentiz schools and other bilingual and ELOS schools are inspired to professionalize their own staff so they can raise the bar of their quality of education

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