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Professional profile of the surgical trainer: Train-the-Trainer curricula
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Professional profile of the surgical trainer: Train-the-Trainer curricula (SurgTTT) Strategic partnership of the University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) Leipzig, Germany; the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (CCMIJU) Cáceres, Spain; Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary and the MEDIS Foundation Campina, Romania. Background of the project is the need to improve specialty training in surgical specialties and a lacking standardization on the pan-European level. As a result of preceding scientific studies of the consortium, it became obvious that a change of the situation in specialty training must begin with the improvement of the pedagogical skills of the consultants responsible for the specialty training of residents, i.e. begin with training of the trainers (TTT). The main objective of the project is to define the professional profile of surgical trainers by designing and testing the most suitable curricula. Another objective is broadening the scope of application of this professional profile to a European level through the development of an open multilingual online learning platform for consultants. The project will start with a transnational survey of the national frameworks for specialty training and a needs assessment for designing a TTT program. On this basis the professional profile for a surgical trainer will be designed in order to afterwards develop a curriculum and teaching materials. The next step is the testing and validation of the curriculum in TTT courses with our target group. The revision of the program will close this process. By the described definition of the professional profile of the surgical trainer, the development of necessary curricula, its testing and validation (within the project) and its integration in our regular educational offers (after the project), it is targeted: a. to make teaching consultants and other stakeholders aware of the challenges and needs in specialty training, b. to make the teaching consultants recognise their pedagogical attitudes and their didactical skills and to develop those further, so that they are able to structure the training and offer individual teaching-learning-support and assessment, c. to contribute to standardization and harmonization of teaching profiles in Europe. The change will work in two directions. On one hand (bottom-up approach) the consultants educated by all partners in or after the project will act as role-models, promote and create interest among colleagues, in the hospitals and medical associations (i.e.dissemination by participants). On the other hand (top-down approach) we will create interest and lobbyism through dissemination to people and organizations on the various levels of decision making. In addition, the online-learning platform will enable impact independent of personal contact and thus multiply effects.

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