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Professional Development for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is the training organized by Link School of English "Professional Development for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language" focusing on practical teaching methods and approaches. The training is organized for a time period of two weeks. The detailed plan is enclosed to this application. There are four course sessions planned. The applicant organization is planning to take part in the third session from 1 September to 12 September 2014. The applicant organization is intending to select one participant - English language teacher. The target audience is: teachers (primary, secondary, vocational and adult), teacher trainers and private language tutors. The maximum number of participants is 15. The objectives of the project are as follows: 1) improvement of foreign language competencies through the improvement of project participants' language knowledge and understanding of English Language Teaching (ELT) methodology; 2) participants will be introduced to new ELT methodologies for use in their own teaching context; 3) improvement of learning performance through project participants discovering how to reflect on their own teaching, and development of their language teaching skills by exploration of classroom materials and teaching options; 4) encouragement of a reflective approach to participants own teaching through the use of a Teaching Diary; 5) development of observation skills of EFL teaching at the host institution, and of analysis of teaching in terms of project context; 6) enhancement of intercultural awareness through project participants forging connections with colleagues from different countries and sharing teaching experiences in an objective, developmental environment; 7) increasing motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) education of training after the mobility period abroad by encouraging the right approach to Continual Professional Development and increasing participants' awareness of options that they can choose to utilize both internally and externally. Methodology of the training is as follows: 1) Explicit instruction in approaches to teaching and learning in English as a Foreign Language 2) Demonstration of current EFL teaching approaches, activities and methodologies 3) A reflective approach to self-evaluation and focus on course participants as members of their specific teaching and learning contexts 4) Observation of other EFL professionals using research and case studies with follow-up seminar discussions to reinforce course content 5) Field research through on-site visits to Maltese schools, and lecture presentations from Maltese high school English teaching professionals 6) Peer micro-teaching to increase course participants' awareness of the practicalities of different teaching tools. Following completion of the course, course participants will: 1) Be encouraged to keep in contact with their colleagues from the course for continuing reflection on issues raised during the course 2) Be provided with follow-up tasks to complete based on material studied during the course 3) Be given access to the Link on-line learning system for 2 follow-up sessions in a virtual learning environment. These sessions allow course participants to meet each other and the course tutor to exchange ideas, share their teaching experiences and receive feedback on the post-course tasks.
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