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Professional development courses at ADC College
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We do not have any local partners. Within the school year we would offer probable partner (any foreign secondary school) to participate in International Language Day Competition hold in September, English Week in October, School Language Olympiad hold in January, open English lesson and methodological analyses in February and March. The above mentioned out-of-class activities are a part of our school tradition and are carried out, annually improved and enriched in order to raise the level of students' personal motivation to learning the English language. The activity has been started based on my personal belief in the importance of students' personal involvement in teaching process and in my professional belief in the statement "A good teacher is the one who makes himself progressively unnecessary." Technically I am trying to dramatize these out-of-class activities, methodologically I base my attempt on J. Moreno's psychodramatic studies. The participation in the above mentioned activities is free willing and the participants are between 10-18 years old students of our school. My personal experience and the feedbacks from annual questionnaires prove my hypothesis on the benefit brought by English teaching dramatization. This approach ensures the increase of personal motivation and interests to independent learning in those with the higher level of English as well as helps the students with poorer knowledge to overcome the fear of English as school subject and enables them with the necessary courage to interact with their classmates, teachers and audience.
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