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Profesori de actiune pentru o generatie multimedia europeana
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school aims permanently to develop the European dimension of education, to coordinate and promote associated projects, to create a network of school partnerships, to inform teachers on accessing European lifelong learning programmes. The project of our school, “Action teachers for a European multumedia generation”, meets both the teachers’ needs of professional development and the institutional needs. The specific objects of our project are:-developing the knowledge and skills to use educational software for each subject, for 12 teachers, 3 primary school teachers and 9 secondary school teachers, by the end of June 2018-developing working skills to acces online resourced for 12 teachers, 3 primary school and 9 secondary school teachers, by the end of June 2018-developing management and implementation skills related to international projects for 10 teachers, 5 primary school and 5 secondary school teachers, by the end of April 2017-developing the attitude for 22 teachers, 8 primary school and 13 secondary school teachers, in order to communicate and collaborate interculturally with international partners by the end of the project-increasing the number of European projects implemented by our school by 2020 with at least two approved projects The projects requires the organization, in partnership with European course providers, of 5 mobility fluxes for 22 teachers in order to attend the two courses, "ICT for Teaching - A practical course to incorporate information technology into teaching" and "How to make your school more international". The target group for the first course includes people with low competences to integrate ICT in teaching and low competences to identify and create ICT resources, who will add value to the insitution by means of exploiting the results. The target group for the second course includes teachers who did not benefit of initial or continuous training on the topic of internationalisation and have reduced knowledge, skills and attitudes in this field, who will add value to the insitution by means of exploiting the results. The project of our institution represents a real opportunity for personal and professional development, both for teachers and pupils as direct beneficiaries, and also for the local community as indirect beneficiary. By meeting the needs identified by our school, integrating ICT in teaching and proactive involvement of pupils by means of collaborative learning through international projects , we develop and enhance the key competences, we encourage communication and interrelational skills, we stimulate cooperation with the goal of achieving performance. The selected courses will contribute to meet the institutional strategic goals as they will develop the key competences that will increase the quality of the teaching process by focusing on the digital component, social and civic competences, communicating in a foreign language and in the native language, as well as the ability to learn. The quality of the teaching process will be improved by implementing interactive, innovative methods studied at the course, which will successfully complete traditional ones. The courses will certainly generate added value as far as the European dimension is concerned, compared to a similar one in our country, due to the objectives of the Erasmus+ programes promoted. As a result of attending these courses, the participants will develop their communication skills in a foreign language, their ability to adapt to new contexts easily, their teamwork and socializing skills and they will improve their historical, geographical, cultural and social knowledge. During the training courses we will aquire new theoretical and practical knowledge, new teaching methods, new student-centred evaluation techniques, teaching approaches based on differential learning. These methods, directly applied during classes, under the teacher's guidance or independently, will help pupils understand and improve their knowledge, forming and developing skills, intellectual and practical habits, attitudes. The direct contact with other educational systems will lead to finding individual solutions for our pupils by means of a friendly working environment, of the consistency of the techniques and of making knowldge more accessible. The dissemination process in our teaching staff will generate a new image for our school in the community, redefining structures and teams. The promotion of examples of good practice will be managed by means of demonstrative teaching lessons at the curricular areas level or during pedagogical meetings for various school subjects, initiating, creating and implementing new optional classes and extending the educational offer of our school, and the increase in the number of teachers using active learning
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