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Profesní rozvoj 2016
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Professional development 2016 conforms to the goals defined in the European Union internalisation strategy and fully corresponds with the main points of the 2017 and 2018 Action plans. It is also a logical continuation of the successful project Professional development 2014.The main goals of the project are the following:- to improve professional knowledge of foreign language teachers in the field of Business and Tourism vocabulary- to meet international standards of specialist subject teaching- to present general subject topics in a foreign language- to broaden and upgrade linguistic and communication skills in a foreign language for the school management staff12 teachers are meant to participate in the project - 4 foreign language teachers (French, Spanish, English for EQF 4 pupils and English for EQF 6 students) and 8 non-language teachers. Non-language participants of the project teach general and specialized subjects in the field of international business and tourism to the EQF 4/6 students of Business Academy and Higher Professional School of International trade. The course for language teachers will be 12 days long + 2-day journey, while the course for non-language teachers will be 5 days long + 2-day journey.The preparation language courses and intercultural awareness trainings will start in September 2016 and will continue to May 2017. These courses will be taught and supervised by language teachers and are aimed to upgrade foreign language knowledge of non-language teachers to the B1 level according to CEFR. The specialist knowledge course will include logistic and administrative stage; secondly, validation and monitoring procedures will be presented and finally, evaluation and dissemination stages will be planned. The course of mobilities will take place in June – August 2017. The acquired skills will be applied in teaching, school documents will be revised and the project will end up with the dissemination stage in September 2017 – December 2017.A principal effect of this project is a further development of pedagogical competences of the project participants, as well as an improvement of language, specialized and general subjects teaching. An integral part of the project is an adjustment of the school curriculum according to the requirements of the European labour market. Among the other needs which will be satisfied by the project is, for example, implementation of new teaching and motivation methods, familiarisation with a current offer of specialized textbooks in foreign languages, communication with colleagues from other EU countries and exchanging of teaching strategies and resources with them.All these will help to generate students´ motivation and encourage them to study hard in order to get a better job on the European Union labour market.
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