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Profesionalno osebje za uspešno šolo
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Professional Staff for a Successful School is the third project of the school staff mobility at St. Stanislav’s Institution. Enriched by the experience obtained from the last two projects from 2014 and 2015, we have improved our system of mobility planning and integrating the obtained knowledge and skills into the daily work at St. Stanislav’s. We are aware of the added value of extensive experience and competence that our participants obtained at training courses abroad.With its 6 educational units ranging from kindergarten to student residence hall, St. Stanislav’s employs 230 people who are responsible for more than 1500 children and young people. This project is primarily intended for the Alojzij Šuštar Primary School and the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium – the biggest two units within St. Stanislav’s. In the last couple of years, a great deal of attention was given to the development of the concept of experiential learning (outdoor learning). The concet was primarily developed in our primary school and a great number of the training courses that our teachers attended concentrated on this topic. We are proud of our holistic programme we have been developing and, for the first time in the summer of 2016, we are preparing an international training course on experiential learning for foreign teachers. Now, we are working on the development and promotion of this concept in other units at St. Stanislav’s; therefore, two teachers from the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium will attend a training course in order to assure a more active participation of the gymnasium in this project.The biggest emphasis of the project Professional Staff for a Successful School is laid on the opportunities for improving foreign language skills of primary and secondary school teachers. In the last years, the number of international activities has increased (partially also due to the Erasmus+ projects we are part of). St. Stanislav’s annually cooperates with more than 30 schools and institutions from abroad and more than 250 students go on an exchange programme in a year (and a similar number of international students come to our institution). St. Stanislav’s aims at strengthening these links and establishing new ones. Therefore, we need teachers who are confident in using foreign languages and eager and willing to take responsibilities of international partnerships and activities.This project is also a step forward to a more systematic approach for introducing innovation in the teaching process. In the course of carrying out this project, we want to create a working group that will first dedicate its time to prepare a clear strategy for these changes and for the introduction to the new technologies and will later work on the acquisition of knowledge and skills and will provide trainings to better equip the staff at St. Stanislav’s.In addition to 14 mobilities, the project will also concentrate on the preparation process for teachers who will take part in the mobilities. With this preparation, we want to strengthen their sense of belonging to St. Stanislav’s and its mission. We want to encourage internal cohesion within St. Stanislav’s and improve examples good practice already developed within our units. This preparation will also make the participants aware of the expectations and outcomes of a particular seminar considering the European development plan of St. Stanislav’s. Staff Mobility Contract signed by each participant defines all the obligations before, during and after the mobility. In addition to an individual meeting before the mobility, this cotract will also assure to meet the project objectives.We consider the dissemination as an essential part of the project. It will be conducted on a model of concentric circles representing different levels of participants' environment. They will disseminate the largest portion of acquired knowledge within their teaching group some of the competences will be presented to their pedagogical unit and the core of the trainings enriched by our own development in St. Stanislav's will be presented to the »outside public« according to the dissemination plan. The dissemination will be linked with the promotion of St. Stanislav's and the Erasmus+ programme conducted in several communication channels and platforms.Based on the experience from the project years 2014 and 2015, St. Stanislav's has prepared a rather detailed contingency plan for risk management. An additional measure is the chosen project period of 24 months while having chosen all the mobilities in the first year of the project. The additional time presents a sort of contingency in case of seminar cancellations (encountered in the past).We are convinced the project outline is designed well and in a manner that responds to the detected needs and presents a real opportunity for the future development of St. Stanislav's. It also has the capacity to impact the local and broader regional development.

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