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"Profesinio mokymo tobulinimas, kuriant netradicines mokymosi aplinkas"
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Kursenai Polytechnic School, Public Institution, providing initial vocational training, is initiating a project for training transport services sector specialists’ qualification advancement and training quality improvement, and for students of auto-mechanics program practical skills development and to gain valuable experience during internships in Spanish and Portuguese VET organizations or enterprises. The auto mechanics teachers and experts have evaluated the effectiveness of their teaching methods in 2013 year, made analysis through separate strategic assessments in order to identify the existing the main problematic areas. Firstly, teachers lack career competencies and experience in the utilisation of a variety of non-traditional teaching and learning techniques. Secondly, there is a deficiency in the access to modern resources and a poor cooperation with car repair and manufacturing companies. Taking into consideration teachers’ professional qualifications and the requirements of the Lithuanian labour market, it has been concluded that it is essential for them to have ongoing opportunities for professional development in order to enhance the quality of their teaching and sustain its effectiveness. The analysis of graduates' job descriptions shows that recruiters have very high demands in regards to work experience. Due to insufficient funds, Kursenai Polytechnic School’s teaching infrastructure cannot provide students with the opportunity to obtain the required work experience and competencies with regularly updated diagnostic equipment. The only available cars in the school's garage are 10 to 15 years old. Our school is initiating the project in order to tackle the aforementioned problems. The main purposes of the project are to improve the knowledge and skills of the future auto mechanical specialists and students, to develop the teachers' professional qualifications and to provide the best teaching quality by modernising the working environments of students and teachers. Every member of the project’s workgroup has clear responsibility directions to achieve a successful outcome of the project. Expected results: 1. 8 professional auto mechanical teachers will be participating in the training visits in Spain and Portugal, where they will be observing their counterparts at their jobs. They will familiarise with the course structure and they will gain experience by taking part in non-traditional practical work sessions and by observing withdrawal processes, will improve their professional qualifications by learning from colleagues. Teachers will apply the gained experience in their daily work. Also utilising a variety of teaching techniques will increase our School’s students motivation to learn and will assure attendance. 2. Gained experience will be applied to the educational workshops for auto mechanic students and teachers will try to organise a more flexible professional learning environment: utilising multimedia as a part of the teaching methods and arranging sessions of practical training outside the school – work experience in a real work environment, auto mechanic companies. 3. 14 students of II and III year specialised in auto mechanic profession will improve their professional knowledge and gain practical skills working with cars and trucks after a for a full month internship in Portuguese and Spanish practical teaching centers or automotive repair industry and enterprises. 4. All the participants will receive the Europass Mobility documents as a recognition of competence and gained knowledge and VšĮ Kuršėnų PM and project partner EPD certificates. 5. All the skills and competencies that vocational course teachers gain will be recognised as a higher qualifications achievement. 6. The experience abroad will be recognized as an integral part of the learning cycle for students who complete the internship programme. 7. The project will contribute to the 2013-2015 VšĮ Kuršėnų PM Strategic Development Plan of 3 goals implementation. 8. Implemented all the planned dissemination of project results. The results obtained from the project will give the long term benefits for the school as they could be applied not only to 14 students and 8 teachers participating in the project but also to the rest of the school teachers and students, and future students who will be willing to get the auto mechanical profession. Other Lithuanian Vocational education schools providing auto mechanical courses will also benefit from the valuable experience that colleagues will bring back. Also, looking from the employer point of view they will be also introduced with innovations in the industry.

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