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PROACTIVE INTERNET TRAINING - Training SME Managers in Anticipating Competence Needs by using Internet ODL

Building upon the results of the previously funded Leonardo da Vinci PROACTIVE project, PROACTIVE INTERNET TRAINING will adapt existing methodology (regarding the anticipation of training and skills needs within the workplace) for use by HR managers within SMEs, specifically for an internet-based learning environment.The ten developed modules, regarding the anticipation of training and skills needs, were both developed for and tested within a range of companies following the previous development project. The current project wishes to extend access to these modules through their adaptation for use via distance learning means.Initial training activity will be undergone within each partner organisation as regards the transfer of know-how in working with the developed models, this will be then tested with a minimum of two further companies in each partner country. Beyond this, a common host platform will be developed and adaptation undergone of the actual training modules, as regards their placement into an electronic learning environment. The platform will further serve as a common communication and information site for the project partners.Additional activity will take place in the training of experts and tutors for on-line support of the distance training modules. Alongside this, recruitment will take place for pilot SMEs able to field-test the new training platform, leading to evaluation & validation of the materials within their new learning environment.Promotion of the results of the project is initially planned through the involvement of the target sector in the testing and validation of the adapted materials & platform, beyond this, results will be disseminated via seminars, workshops and conferences appropriate to the target sector, through direct mailings to relevant employer bodies and professional organisations and through the production and distribution of information leaflets on the outcomes and methodologies of the project.
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