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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Secondary Grammar School, Poštová 9 in Košice, is a secondary school with more than 40 year old tradition in providing high quality general education especially focused on preparation for studying at universities. We offer studying in three educational fields: education with advanced teaching of Mathematics, education with advanced teaching of English language and general education. The school is located in the historic city centre of Košice, which is known as European Capital of Culture in 2013 and European Capital of Sport in 2016.The project outline is in observation of an increasing trend of students towards unambitious even minimal studying approach, in which to make a minimal effort leads to mediocrity which is becoming the aim. The reason is seen in inadequate inner motivation and commitment of students, in the lack of self evaluation, in unrecognizing own options and qualities. We think that these factors are threatening the application in practise of students in knowledgeable society and that is the reason why we have in our educational programme effectively implemented tools to eliminate these factors. Constantly, we try to find new ways to initiate students into self-improvement. The challenge „a duty to study“ has changed to „a privilege to learn“ and it has become the main project topic and the basis for its goals:- to improve the level of key competences and skills of employees in order to increase the quality of education.- to improve the level of key competences for lifelong learning of students through collaboration with partner schools.- to enrich the learning of foreign languages and science on an international and intercultural dimension.- to implement the EFQM model of quality evaluation in school management system.- ensuring recognition of the results of employee training undertaken abroad.Achievement of the aims will be implemented in two forms of employee training:- Participation in a structured course (mobility activity A1)- Job shadowing (mobility activity A2).For ten participants of mobility project activities, it is their own positive attitude to self-development and deepening of professional competences, which was the main criterion for their choice. They are naturally active in the field of career development, seek opportunities to learn and use the results , as evidenced by their personal portfolios training undertaken.Structured courses will be attended by foreign language teachers who have extensive experience in preparing students to gain international language certificates. Their students are successful in different language competitions and have experience in implementing classroom and school projects aimed at international cooperation of students. The course focused on the implementation of the instruments of the European certified quality evaluation model EFQM will be attended by a deputy director of secondary school, who has extensive experience of working in various positions in several national and demand-driven projects co-financed from EU funds .Job shadowing will be attended by teachers of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and related optional subjects who have methodological and technical competence for teaching with ICT support and effectively use didactic technology in teaching practise. They have good skills in preparing students for graduation exams, for entrance exams to universities and competitions of all kinds. The quality of their work is indicated by the achievements of students internationally.The school has established a partnership with two European schools of the same type which will act in the project as host organizations. The matter of co-operation will be especially partner observation in the host institution and mutual exchange of experience between the teachers from partner institutions.Activities following the accomplished mobility will focus on expanding the co-operation on student level. The output of the partnership will not only be the asset of good practices transfer into the teaching process in the partner schools but also specific /mostly eTwinning/ tools of informal education:- videoconference seminars focused on popularization of math and science,- e-forum focused on mutual support among students in learning through peer-mentoring,- a co-operative application of the project method into teaching.We definitely expect long-term benefits of the project also from the introduction of the internal system of quality assessment of school.
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2 Partners Participants