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Privātās pamatskolas “Gaismas tilts 97” pedagogu profesionālā pilnveide
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Private primary school “Gaismas tilts 97” teacher professional development" is elaborated with the aim to raisecompetences and skills that are directly targeted to professionalize and internationalize teacher work quality and facilitateimprovement of international cooperation between European schools. Specific aims of the project are focused on improvement ofteacher, school competences in the following fields:- develop between all school teachers skills to apply more wider in a teaching process modern technologies, IT tools; facilitate widerusage of IT technologies between teachers;- introduce innovative methods teaching foreign languages, different other subjects;- improve school international cooperation opportunities, find new partners in order toshare with them experience and together improve the learning process, thereby giving it a European dimension;- raise the motivation of learners by improving the learning skills of the learners and co-responsibility about the learning process;- improve the knowledge and experience of school management about school quality management, school organization process.To achieve the project general and specific aims pedagogical staff of private primary school “Gaismas tilts 97” will implement alltogether 6 mobilities and will participate in 4 different training courses in Czech Republic, France, Spain and Malta. In these Trainingcourses they will learn about new teaching methods, raise their ICT skills, will learn the basics of Content and Language IntegratedLearning (CLIL) methodology and application, will build an enhanced understanding about the different European educationsystems and the modern school organization in the European Union, strengthen the European cultural diversity and will gainexperience in international cooperation.Project activities will include the job shadowing mobility to the Lamia primary school in Greece. The main goals of this jobshadowing will be - to get an experience on modern technology application in the teaching process of foreign languages; -exchange experiences on school quality management improvement.The project has also thought about the fact that new knowledge can be applied not only to teachers who attend the courses , butalso their colleagues. Participants taking part in the mobilities will organize seminars for their colleagues in order to share the knowledge and skills they have gained.
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